而对于舆论是否能改变案件的判罚,@一笑风云过说:“舆论所起到的一个重要作用,就是让一些表面的证据更为深入化,据我所知,美国是有案件提供公民公开查询的渠道的,但是有时候停留在字面上的证据也只是部分真相,舆论的深度挖掘,有助于全部事实的呈现。就像NETFLIX上的剧《making a murderer》中,从证据角度确实是有瑕疵的,但是我觉得那不是舆论改变案件,而是舆论使案件中本身不合理的部分显露了出来”。
作者: tony 时间: 22-2-2016 04:34
谢谢分享、、、作者: zhenzhen0411 时间: 22-2-2016 04:34
怎么这样作者: jian11 时间: 22-2-2016 13:20
To be frank, it's unlucky for the rookie cop. But this can do nothing at all. It's futile to bargain with "bai ren" or Hua Ren" and srapegoat whatever in order to change the verdict. If you are one of the jury, you will make the same decision. Whether this job is suitable for liang, you will have the answer if you scrutinize the details of the events. This is a totally individual incident or accident, nothing to do with prejudice, unfair, bai ren or hua ren, etc. As a person, a community, or a race, if you respect others,you will be respected.
I support the idea of this article.