本帖最后由 danielyao 于 31-1-2016 07:00 PM 编辑
两只非常漂亮可爱的小猫寻一个有责任心的新主人。两只小母猫均四五个月大,由于主人突然回国所以两只小猫没人照顾,现经主人委托将两只小猫转赠给新主人。如果可以的话最好两只一起带走,因为两只小猫从出生就没有分开过,当然您如果只需要一只也是可以的,只是她们可能需要一段时间适应孤单的环境,所谓的适应就是可能会一直叫个一两天,之后就没事了。不过如果您有时间陪她玩,她是不会叫的而且适应的可能会更快一些。 小黑猫性格比较活泼,胆子比白的大一些。白的就相对胆小一些。不过两只都是很活泼的。无论您选择哪一只都可以将猫砂盒免费送给你。 现在小白已经找到新主人,只有小黑可以领养。 Two beautiful, adorable female kittens can melt your heart
Two female kittens/cats, four or five months old need to give away due to the owner has left the country and need a responsible family to look after them. Preferably you can take both of them, as these two cats has never been separate apart since they were born. If you can take one that is fine too. The white one is more timid than the black one; the black one is more active. If you only want to take one, I have to warn you that they may need some time to get use to the loneliness.
The litter box will be included no matter which one you take.
(Note: I am listing this ads on behalf of the owner)