3月17日,在days road 和 regency road的交叉路口,我在regency road 向右拐去days road, 一切正常,过线,停车,等待,绿灯变黄灯,我检查对面车辆,有车已经完全停下,我开始右拐,突然另外一个车道冲出一辆车来,撞向了我的车,我和另外一个肇事车主都当时报了警,但是警察反复讲他们不会过去,让我们自己去警察局报警。我当天下午就去警察局报了案,他是全险,我没有保险,第二天就把事故报告发给了他的保险公司,然后每隔一周我都会问一下,大概在六周以后,另外一个肇事司机才递交了他的保险报告。数天以后,我收到电话,保险公司说是我的全责,让我支付一万两千澳币。对方的车是1996年的skyline GST-T, car sales 上面报价整车才在7000--12000之间。 下面我复制一下我的报告和但是的图片, 请问我应该怎么做才能维护我自己的合法权益。
Details ofaccident: Atdate 17/March/2014, about 13:30PM there is an accident at the intersection ofdays road and regency road at Croydon Park SA 5008, there are two vehicleinvolved, I am Tao Zhang, and I was one of the drivers, I was on regency roadright line and waiting to do a right turn to days road, I was waiting on theright turn waiting area which same as everyone does and wait the road is clear,then the lights changed to yellow, I checking on the opposite direction to makesure it is safe to turn, I saw there are car stops, then I start turning,suddenly there is a car in the middle line speeding up trying to catch theyellow light, and hit me with his left front corner, and I got hit at the leftrear side of my vehicle. He was traveling from west to east and going straighton regency road. Here are some keypoints: 1. During that time, there is not raining, the road is dry; it is totally beable to brake. 2. The lights changed to yellow and there are car stops. 3. I did not move until the lights changed to yellow and until I saw thereare car stops, this takes at least 3 seconds and then I start move. 4. There is nothing between me and his car; we all have clear view betweenus. 5. I saw car slow down and stops at the traffic light line, and there arecars in the front of him got stoped. 6. Based on the area I got hit and the area he got damaged, there must besome distance between our cars. 7. There is no sign he was trying to brake until he hits me. 8. He suddenly speeds up. 9. I cannot see his brake lights from front, but when I start turning hisvehicle got enough distance to stop and based on his vehicle speeds. 10. I believe he did not catch the yellowlight, based on the moment I start moving my vehicle and the area of my vehiclegot hit.