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      [其他] Glenunga Social Badminton

      Marson_wu 发表于 26-5-2020 15:53:39 来自手机 转发到朋友圈 删帖
      4694 1


      Good afternoon

      Great news, I ( Ken) have just been informed by the Director of Services of Glenunga International High School that we can recommence playing badminton on Monday 1 June 2020.

      We will all have to practice good hygiene and keep our distance of 1.5 metres.  I will provide sanitiser for all members to use each evening.

      So play will recommence Monday 1 June 2020 from 6.30pm-10.30pm.

      The Glenunga Social Club Team welcomes every one back and I hope to see you next Monday.

      The Club is also open on Wednesday evening from 7.30-10.30pm and Thursday evening from 6.30-10.30pm.

      The cost per person is $5 each night. Racquets are available for hire at $2 each.

      With kind regards.

      The Glenunga Social Badminton Team

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