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      [精华分享] 求职网站上关于如何求职的建议

      xijiangyue 发表于 1-3-2015 04:37:52 转发到朋友圈 删帖
      2702 2


      Thousands of job searchers register for our job alerts each day and many of them tell us they’ve found work fast. Here are 6 tips from our most successful users.

      1. Give yourself a specific, achievable goal
      Define what it is you're looking for, and be specific. Define realistic timelines for when you want to achieve your goal, and treat your job search like a full-time job. When searching, don’t just look for the same job title, think about the different ways HR Managers and Recruiters may describe your dream job.

      2. Think hard about your skills
      These skills include technical skills and transferable skills such as communication and leadership. Prepare examples of when you have used these skills.

      3. Create a professional resume / CV
      This is the document that markets YOU. Is there anything more important? Take time and effort to create this and show it to friends and relatives before you send it out. Create a professional email address just for your job search.

      4. Create an Action Plan
      Create a daily and weekly plan. Stick to your plan and be honest with yourself. Put your job search activity before all avoidable distractions.

      5. Use your Network
      Speak to everyone you know socially and professionally. Explain your situation; you’ll be amazed how many people are willing to help. Make good use of social media.

      6. Make sure you check for new jobs every day
      Check for new jobs at least once per day. Get your resume / CV on the recruiters desk fast. You are competing with other candidates so make sure you win the race.

      We currently have: 6238 Government jobs in Australia

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