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      Tax & Bookkeeping Services (I can speak Mandarin as well)

      hwechwee1978 发表于 15-2-2012 15:32:53 转发到朋友圈 删帖
      701 0


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      Professional Service I provide include:-

      * Preparation and lodgement for tax returns for all business structures and individuals. Fee is $50 for standard individual tax return excluding investment property & business.  

      * Preparation & Lodgement of Business Activity Statements (BAS) and Pay As you Go Activity Statements (PAYG) for all business structures include sole trader, partnership, company and trusts.

      * Calculate Capital Gain Tax (CGT) on disposal of assets such as shares, and properties.

      * General bookkeeping services using MYOB, Quickbook, Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet or Cash Book

      * Payroll system - your payroll system will be managed professional, including Superannuation, Entitlements, Deductions, and payslips sent to employees.

      * Introduce MYOB software to suit your business needs.

      * Provide training in how to use MYOB.

      * Budgeting and Break -even Analysis for your business

      *Applications for Australia Business Number (ABN).

      *Applications for Business Name Registration.

      * I will also handle correspondence with the Australian Taxation Office.

      Awards/ Experience
      I have over 7 years experience in accountancy and taxation specializing in small-medium businesses, and have:-
      Registered Tax Agent granted by Tax Practitioner Board
      An Associate Member of CPA Australia
      Master Degree in Accountancy

      Please contact me on 0422 165 304 or email me to [email protected] for the free quote and professional services for your businesses.

      Please visit my personal webpage: http://www.hwcaccountancy.com.au

      Please like me on facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/HCW-Accountancy/350041288347470?sk=wall                                                       

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