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      Wise people! Let the court decide on this matter.

      KEAN 发表于 24-11-2011 11:46:57 转发到朋友圈 删帖
      683 2


      本帖最后由 KEAN 于 2011-11-24 12:54 编辑

      Many people already know the most popular issue in this website. The story of a Chinese girl was bulling by Korean boss.

      I am the Korean boss here. Firstly I should state that I am very sorry that I should not write the personal matter in this web. However I did not have any option to choose - the girl does not care my legal actions as she will be left Australia soon and could not reach this website administration.

      As many know slander is serious unlawful action. What she said is not 100 % ture, but yes few of them are. the issue was the buyer (the girl and the boy)made contract with me last year and we clearly understood the impact of contract and the conditions- the amount of deposit paid will be non-refudnable when the buyer breaches contract for the compensation that the seller lost oppotunity to sell the shop to others.

      In fact, I was wondering how come she disregards my legal proceedings and keeps doing unlawful actions to the public and to the peronal. As expected, she is about to going back to her country after finishing year 12. As she will not stay in Australia, she does not concern the impact of this issue on lefting people.

      As her making up stories and slander are getting worse, also believe that she should not put other people's personal/confidential information to the public, I made a phone call to give her two choices whether she could remove that article or she leaves as it is but waiting for my legal action.

      She answered "I can remove" - but now she saying that I forced to her to do that although it was her choice.

      I and the boy are seeking for legal action now. However she does not care and even threatened me saying that "The only thing I can sure is more complexity, you more hard to sell your shop". Also, she texted me  "she cannot stop for people who want to talk or gossiping". etc...
      Now she is threatening me that she will not put the story down until the deposit is fully paid to her. Also she is threatning my business.

      What she is doing is too much unlawful. She believes what she want to believe.
      In my opinion she want to get spotlighted so people think her as a only victim.
      However, everyone has different stories. I, my company and the boy also get too much losses/damages because her negligence, misbehaviour and unlawful actions.

      Wise people, let the laws solve this problem.

      I, again, am sorry to all users on this website that I had to write the personal matters in here. Also I formally request to the website administration to remove all articles which contains personal/confidential information.

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       楼主| KEAN 发表于 24-11-2011 12:53:02
      回复 Sheena_1199 的帖子

      You may notice that I had contract with a party in the form of partnership
      One of them are very much experienced in this industry. Also I had dissuaded her many times as I did concern of her ages - although she was over 18.
      It was her to show strong possessiveness on my shop. She offered by $5000 more than other bidder's offerings to win the competition.
      Also there was another purpose on her to do this business - but I better not saying this because it is not my business.
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      Sheena_1199 发表于 24-11-2011 12:00:39
      why did you involve in any business with her anyway if you know she is only a high school student and does not know how to take responsibility...
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