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  • [咨询] 【安和律师事务所】2024年对移民规定的修正案例分析

    HOLawyers 发表于 21-3-2024 09:54:29 转发到朋友圈 删帖
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    网站链接: https://migrationalliance.com.au/immigration-daily-news/entry/2024-03-migration-amendment-subclass-500-visas-regulations-2024.html




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    PSA: Major Change to Australia’s Student Visa regulations

    In recent decades, Australia has grown to become a popular destination for international students, skilled workers, and professionals. This is no doubt a testament to the attractiveness living and working in major Australian cities – Melbourne and Sydney ranked 3rd and 4th in the Global Liveability Ranking respectively (Economist Intelligence Unit, 2023) – and the lifestyle that they offer. With recent changes made to the regulations concerning the granting of student visas, living, studying, and working in Australia is now more accessible to international students than ever.

    Before the 2024 Amendment: Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE)

    Often, many students that had chosen to take their pre-university or university in Australia end up falling in love with this unique country and consider putting down roots here. Before the recent migration amendment of 2024, students who had moved to Australia for the purposes of education were required by Australian law to indicate that their stay in Australia was for the duration of their education. This was done via the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) test. The GTE was implemented to sieve out students that had the sole intention of living in Australia to study from students that were intending to use the visa obtained for an Australian education to become a resident of Australia. As such, the former statute meant that many students who were considering staying in Australia beyond the length of study for the purpose of working for example, faced difficulties in obtaining visas that would even allow them to study in Australia.

    However, with the 2024 amendment to the regulations on migration, the GTE requirement has been removed. This streamlines the visa application process, as there is no longer any need to indicate the length of one’s stay in Australia. More importantly, this means that students who intend to live in Australia beyond the duration of their course of study are now eligible for a visa. This opens a pathway to those who also intend to spend a few years working in Australia after completing their education.

    The Replacement: Genuine Student Test (GST)

    The retirement of the GTE test, however, does not mean that there are no requirements for prospective international students. In its place, the Genuine Student Test (GST) has been implemented, to ensure that student visas are given to students only, and to prevent the system from being manipulated by “student-posers” that intend to use their student visa to obtain residency in Australia.

    Unlike the GTE, the Genuine Student Test does not discriminate based on one’s intended length of stay. However, the GST broadens the criteria for evaluation of prospective students, which consider the financial capacities, level of competency in the English Language, valid enrollment offers, and health insurance.

    While these considerations seem to make the GST a more stringent form of eligibility testing than the GTE, they help both the Australian education system as well as the student assess if they have adequate resources required to study in Australia. Intended students need not be troubled by the additional requirements, given how important these requirements would be to them.

    With the new GST requirements, international students can live and work in Australia beyond their course of study if they had truly intended to study in the Australian education system. Australia’s education system likewise benefits, with a stronger and more skilled student body. However, the new requirements might affect the application process of student visas. If you are intending to study in Australia, it is strongly advised to reach out to migration lawyers who can prepare the required documents for your visa application.

    At H&O Lawyers, our legal team has vast experience working with clients from Asian countries. We also possess unique competencies in advocating for both English-speaking and Mandarin-speaking clients. Should you need legal services to ensure a smooth immigration process and visa application, H&O Lawyers are here to help.

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