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      三月六號,跟RESPIRE DANCE一起免費塑型!

      respiredance 发表于 2-3-2021 12:07:36 转发到朋友圈 删帖
      5310 1


      Respire Dance是一个基于社区的设置跳舞健身群

      周六1:30pm-2:30 pm免费体验如果有效简单的一起塑身舒展心身

      详情CLICK ME  --> https://fb.me/e/3A3pnShVY


      Hi All, to introduce Respire Dance to our community.
      Respire Dance would like to offer a free trial class (dance & movement) on this Saturday (6thMarch).
      The class is run by our instructor who has a 5 years ballet teaching experience in Adelaide with academic background of bachelors of Sport & Exercise and  Master of Social Work. Respire dance aims to provide a community based dance and movement platform with the core values of : EMPOWERMENT. HOLISTIC. INCLUSIVENESS & RESPECT

      Class structure?
      The class infuses the element from ballet, yoga, Pilate and HIIT which optimize our body physical function by improving muscles' strength, flexibility and range of movement.
      Respire Dance also takes care of you mind. The class will also includes 5 minutes guide meditation.

      What will I need?
      - Wear comfortable sport or dance attire
      - Bring you own yoga mat (or Big towel) for floor work & Yoga Strap (or long gym towel)

      How to join the free trail class?
      1) Like & Share Respire Dance Facebook Page / Instagram Profile
      2) Contact Us to book your spot
      By joining the free trail class, this will means you have agreed and provided consent for Respire Dance to take class photo and have full access & usages to those photo

      P.S. After this class, there will also be an adult ballet class (1/2 Price) if you wish to give it a go after the dance & movement class.

      BBS提醒: 请避免提前支付订金、押金等任何费用,请与对方当面沟通,确认资质并看清条款。谨防上当受骗。

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       楼主| respiredance 发表于 3-3-2021 11:05:02
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