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      [DIY总结] 241411 Secondary school teacher中学教师190或489州担保加分解析

      cigarette1 发表于 18-2-2013 19:35:20 转发到朋友圈 删帖
      8274 0


      241411 Secondary school teacher 中学教师  NOOSR/AITSL (formerly known as TA)
      SouthAustralia南澳洲 有担保,IELTS 7.0 in each band, STEM - This is forscience and maths specialisations: Maths, Physics, Biology, Chemistry andPsychology only
      Tasmania 塔斯马尼亚岛有担保,要雇主offer
      Victoria 维多利亚州有担保  47 +2年以上工作经验。 或是VIC的博士学历可以担保
      Must specialise in at least one of thefollowing fields:        
                    •Mathematics or Physics      
                    •Technology (Food,      Metal, Wood orAuto)   
                    •Languages other than English   
                    •General science   
                    •Special education      
                    •Information technology.      http://www.liveinvictoria.vic.gov.au/visas-and-immigrating/occupation-lists
      WesternAustralia 西澳洲无担保
      New SouthWales 新南威尔士州有190担保,Murray地区的489NorthernInland地区的489Orana地区的489担保
      NorthernTerritory 北领地有担保  3年以上工作经验 +雇主offer
      AustralianCapital Territory 首府行政区 - 堪培拉有担保,Qualified in: Maths; Science; English;     French;Italian; Computer Programming;      
      Designand Technology.
      241411 Secondary school teacher 中学教师  NOOSR/AITSL (formerly known as TA)
      SouthAustralia南澳洲 有担保,IELTS 7.0 in each band, STEM - This is forscience and maths specialisations: Maths, Physics, Biology, Chemistry andPsychology only
      Tasmania 塔斯马尼亚岛有担保,要雇主offer
      Victoria 维多利亚州有担保  4个7分 +2年以上工作经验。 或是VIC的博士学历可以担保
      Must specialise in at least one of thefollowing fields:        
                    •Mathematics or Physics      
                    •Technology (Food,      Metal, Wood orAuto)   
                    •Languages other than English   
                    •General science   
                    •Special education      
                    •Information technology.      http://www.liveinvictoria.vic.gov.au/visas-and-immigrating/occupation-lists
      WesternAustralia 西澳洲无担保
      New SouthWales 新南威尔士州有190担保,Murray地区的489,NorthernInland地区的489和Orana地区的489担保
      NorthernTerritory 北领地有担保  3年以上工作经验 +雇主offer
      AustralianCapital Territory 首府行政区 - 堪培拉有担保,Qualified in: Maths; Science; English;     French;Italian; Computer Programming;      
      Designand Technology.
      澳嘉出国 Bosco  手机0451840707
      QQ: 505805259,Email: [email protected]     www.911visa.com

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