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      [聚会交友] Networking event: 'Future Leaders meet Current Leaders' (UniSA Students only)

      event 发表于 30-7-2013 13:51:55 转发到朋友圈 删帖
      4339 3


      The University of South Australia in conjunction with ourSA are proud to present the following event:
      'Future Leaders meet Current Leaders'
      Thursday 8th August, 5:30pm - 8:30pm
      Bradley Forum
      Level 5
      Hawke Building, City West

      An evening to network and dine with key South Australian business leaders
      • Are you a current leader?
      • Are you aspiring to be a leader?
      • Does your desired career path involve being a key leader?

      This unique and exclusive event will provide 40 lucky students the opportunity to meet key industry leaders in South Australia and learn what it takes to become a successful leader in industry.

      How to apply:
      The application process is simple!
      Just submit a copy of your current resume and two questions you would like to ask an industry leader about their career and what it takes to become a successful leader.

      Is there a cost to attend?
      Yes. If you are an ourSA member (you will have an ourSA membership card with the University logo on the reverse side), you will only be charged $10.
      If you are not an ourSA member, you will be charged $20 but this fee will include an ourSA membership.

      How will I know if my application is successful?
      The 40 successful applicants will receive an email invitation to attend by Monday 5th August. The email will provide a link where you can make payment and an agenda for the evening. You must list your ourSA membership number upon payment.

      Please check out your student email from Career Services UniSA this week to APPLY. Or contact John Gartland <[email protected]> for more information.

      BBS提醒: 请避免提前支付订金、押金等任何费用,请与对方当面沟通,确认资质并看清条款。谨防上当受骗。

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      使用道具 举报

       楼主| event 发表于 31-7-2013 05:53:18 来自手机
      Great opportunity to network
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      使用道具 举报

       楼主| event 发表于 31-7-2013 18:19:40
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      使用道具 举报

       楼主| event 发表于 1-8-2013 10:48:09
      up up up up up
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