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      [文学创作] Blessing in Disguise

      伊人 发表于 1-11-2011 18:06:28 转发到朋友圈 删帖
      6957 6


      Amyis a 57 year old lady who used to enjoy working. She worked as a cashier in BigW for several years. She is widowed at a very young age, having to raise 3children is not an easy task for her. Amy has 2 daughters and 1 son. Theythought live could not be that hard with mum around them, loving and caring forthem, giving them emotional supports and preparing lovely authentic Italian andAussie crusine. However, life is cruel at times, she was diagnosed withMultiple Sclerosis at 50, and with that disease, there is no cure for it atthis stage. She went in to the stage of grieving and denial. She was askingGod, “God, why does this have to happen to me?”…. At the same time, she wasrejected by her family, her sister didn’t want to accept the fact that Amy hasMS. Thank God her children are always there for her. At the age of 54, she wasadmitted into a nursing home, for she just could not do anything for herself,she could not even move, at all. Let’s think about this, we have been doingthings for ourselves since we were taught how to shower ourselves properly atthe age of 4(That’s my case, anyway), eating by ourselves at the age of 2,maybe? We have our own ways of doing things and some people just take thingsfor granted, buy hating her and thinking that she is a nuisance by ‘being demanding’.Amy is a lovely lady who attends mass regularly and I always talked to her whenI was discouraged and she would encourage me, saying that the Lord has hisplans for me. There are several times where I spoke to her and she told meabout her MS, she told me her MS is a blessing in disguise as if it wasn’t forthe MS, she would not met me and a lot of other pleasant girls. I was almost intears as I really felt that I am being appreciated, not abused. She showed meher hand, last year, she could barely move her hands, and today, she canactually move her hands up and down as she desired, and she told me, that isthe power of prayers. Amy kept encouraging me to pray, I pray a lot myself,believing, hoping and having faith in HIM and I know that he will provide, hewill never forsake and forget me, His Daughter. God’s love never fails, itnever give ups, it never runs out on me, through the fire and the sea, his loveis constant, and it never changes… The facts of Amy’s MS are defeated by God’struth. People, I know there are times when we are struggling, financially orwhatever, but, please believe that there is someone there for you. I was a girlwith low self esteem and all those crap in my teens despite having good gradesand such, if it wasn’t for God, I think I am still living in depression andlack of confidence. Joy, faith, hope, love, blessings have filled my life eversince I surrendered my life to Him, the only saviour.


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      mem 发表于 1-11-2011 19:23:02
      could you make use of paragraphs next time {:4_151:}
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       楼主| 伊人 发表于 1-11-2011 19:25:49
      mem 发表于 2011-11-1 18:53
      could you make use of paragraphs next time

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      mem 发表于 1-11-2011 22:27:48
      seems I am the only one patient enough to read through your lengthy English post{:4_108:}

      your real personal experience from nursing home right?

      "I am the way,  and the truth and life.."
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      louis518 发表于 1-11-2011 22:56:11
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       楼主| 伊人 发表于 2-11-2011 04:23:49
      mem 发表于 2011-11-1 21:57
      seems I am the only one patient enough to read through your lengthy English post

      your re ...

      Omg....I know, you and louis...
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       楼主| 伊人 发表于 2-11-2011 04:24:12
      louis518 发表于 2011-11-1 22:26

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