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    Adelaide Housing Afforadbility 收入与房价承担比例

    Mr.Property 发表于 17-3-2010 12:11:01 转发到朋友圈 删帖
    2964 1


    I constantly hear different numbers thrown around about how much it costs to purchase a home compared to incomes, but let’s put some simple science behind it.

    The table below details the average weekly earnings of a person in Adelaide as at November 2009 based on data released this week by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. We have also annualised the results to show how much that equates to over a year.

    Average personal income and Adelaide median prices – November 2009.

    Average Personal Income $1,162
    Average Annual Personal Income $60,414
    Median Adelaide House Price $372,000 Median Adelaide
    Unit Price $310,000
    Now it’s important to note that this figure relates to earnings not ‘disposable income’ – so from this figure you must subtract income tax and add income from other sources such as investments (we aren’t going to do that for the purposes of this exercise).

    Based on the annualised earnings figure and median house and unit prices across Australia’s capital cities as at November 2009 we’ve also calculated how much greater the median house and unit price is compared to the income.

    Ratio of average personal income to median house and unit prices Adelaide – November 2009


    House 6.1
    Unit 5.1

    House 3.1
    Unit 2.6
    Compare this ratio across the country; in the most extreme example the median house price in Sydney is 8.2 times greater than the average annual income. And in the least severe of examples median house prices are only 5.8 times greater in Hobart. For units the results aren’t as dire, in the worst case Melbourne units are 6.3 times greater than the annual income and in the most affordable city, Hobart, median units cost 4.7 times more than average annual incomes.

    Considering that many people live as couples, a dual household income makes it much more affordable to purchase a capital city property. Doubling the average weekly earnings provides a much more palatable ratio.

    Houses in Sydney are 4.1 times greater than the average annual ‘dual income household’ whilst in Hobart and Adelaide the difference is 3.1 times. For units, median priced property is 3.1 times greater than the annualised ‘dual income’ in Sydney and Melbourne and 2.4 times greater in Hobart. I think it is important to understand that the unfortunate reality is that for a single person it is extremely difficult to own a property within a capital city in this day and age especially if the property you’re looking to buy is ‘average’.

    With dual incomes it becomes significantly more affordable to get your foot into the home ownership door. I guess the trick is realigning expectations of what you can afford and look at the first property purchase as a stepping stone.

    The first purchase doesn’t have to be the property you plan to live in for the next 20 years, buy somewhere with growth potential where you can build equity and upgrade to the next property or look for a more affordable alternative such as a unit or townhouse.

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    smtp 发表于 26-3-2010 17:09:02
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