本帖最后由 Jennleaf 于 11-4-2015 12:28 AM 编辑
Hi there, I am offering a room in a furnished unit near City. It is just 5 mins drive to city or 10 mins in tram. It is 3-5 mins walk from green hill tram stop. Rent is negotiable including all the utilities such as water, Internet and electricity. Currently I am living with an partner and we in early 20's and working 6 days a week. Rent is 150$ if anyone interested. Please feel free to call me or leave massage( as I'll be in work) for further information.
Unit出租一个单人房, 近CITY的南边,搭Tram一站就到City, 交通购物十分便。 家居都是新买的 $150/一周 包水,电,网络。 我们是情侣一起住的,都是20出头的年轻伙伴, 一个星期 工作6 天,所以大部分时间都不在家。
地点: Davernport Terrance, Wayville SA 5034
交通: 开车5 分钟 到 City中心 或 搭Tram10 分钟 (走路3-5分钟到Green Hill Tram station)
要求:注意自己房间的卫生, 不在房抽烟, 不养宠物, 男女生均可
联系电话;0430225996 (说英文) 打电话/信息 都可以