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      jh_hammer 发表于 16-9-2008 21:22:28 转发到朋友圈 删帖
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      呵呵  每天都来篇文章,  坚持才是王道。。。

      [ 本帖最后由 jh_hammer 于 2008-10-6 09:20 编辑 ]

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      汐残 发表于 16-9-2008 21:32:39
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       楼主| jh_hammer 发表于 16-9-2008 21:33:11
      Parafield Gardens man arrested in child neglect case

      September 16, 2008 02:00pm                                                                                
      POLICEinvestigating the alleged neglect of children at a Housing Trustproperty at Parafield Gardens have charged a man with endangering life.
      investigate 调查   alleged宣称
      neglect 忽视忽略 Trust property 信托财产
      Elizabeth CIB detectives today charged the man, 27, with acts to endanger life, acts which caused harm and criminal neglect.
      He was bailed to appear in the Elizabeth Magistrates Court at a later date.
      bailed 保释
      Thearrest comes after a three-month investigation into allegations sixadults and 21 children lived in squalid conditions within thefour-bedroomed property.
      arrest 逮捕  allegations宣称squalid 肮脏的
      Detectivesarrested and charged the mother of five of the childrenin June afterone of the children was taken to the Lyell McEwin Hospital.
      Policeraids on the Parafield Gardens property and another HousingTrustproperty at Elizabeth Grove located 21 children, six of whom werehospitalised for six weeks.
      Their mother, 28,  who was pregnant, wascharged with five counts of criminal neglect, two of committing actslikely to endanger life and three of acts likely to cause harm.
      Thecharges relate to a boy, 4, two five-year-old boys, a boy, 6,and agirl, 7, who were taken into state care upon their release from theWomen's and Children's Hospital.
      The mother, who cannot beidentified without the permission of a court,  is alleged to havefailed to provide food, shelter and necessary medical attention to thechildren between February 1 and June23 at Elizabeth and other locationsin SA.

      She has appeared twice in court and been remanded in custody.
      in custody 被拘留
      TheState Government's handling of the case is being investigated by theChild Death and Serious Injury Review Committee after public andpolitical criticism of Families SA and its chief executive SueVardon,who resigned several weeks later.
      chief executive  董事长
      Comment cannot be published on this story for legal reasons.

      [ 本帖最后由 jh_hammer 于 2008-9-19 00:39 编辑 ]
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       楼主| jh_hammer 发表于 17-9-2008 19:59:47

      Bickley to help coach Crows

      Bickley to help coach Crows
      Crows鸦(一种鸟)  这里应该指的是俱乐部   coach 教练
      ADELAIDE premiership captain Mark Bickley has been appointed a Crows assistant coach for ther next three seasons.
      premiership 总理appointed  任命
      Bickley, 39, played 272 AFL games for the Crows from 1991 to 2003, captained the club from 1997-2000 and was a three-time winner of the Best Team Man award.
      The Crows believe Bickley offers a wealth of experience to the portfolio. Although he has been out of football for five seasons, he has kept abreast of changes which have taken place in the game through his involvement in the media and as an All Australian selector.
      portfolio 财产组合  kept abreast of 与什么并列  selector挑战者
      His portfolio has not been decided and won't be settled until the final coaching appointment has been made.
      "Mark's wealth of experience and football knowledge, coupled with his qualities as a person, will be a great asset to the club," Crows coach Neil Craig said.
      asset 资产
      "Mark has played in the midfield and in defence and this gives the club great flexibility in the coaching roles."
      Bickley will finish his employment with Channel 9 at the end of his contract in November.
      "I've really enjoyed my time at Channel 9, however I have decided football is my passion and I want to be involved at the highest level and fortunately for me I am able to return to my club to pursue that passion."
      midfield  中场  passion 热情  pursue 追求


      [ 本帖最后由 jh_hammer 于 2008-9-17 20:07 编辑 ]
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      似雪无涯 发表于 17-9-2008 20:11:17
      如果乌鸦队和Port 比滴话,,,,呵呵,不好说咯,两个都支持~~ 哈哈
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      彧趣 发表于 17-9-2008 21:15:19
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       楼主| jh_hammer 发表于 19-9-2008 00:34:12

      Adelaide nursing home staff docks workers wages for patient deaths

      AN Adelaide nursing home hasbeen caught docking workers' wages every time a patient died, to helpcover the costs of having a vacant bed.
      docking 引入  vacant 空的

                                                      About 60 staff members had deductions made from their pay, collectively worth $25,500, going back to March, 2006.
      Workplace Ombudsman staff raided the privately run eastern suburbs home after a tip from independent witnesses.
      Investigations revealed the nursing home was unlawfully makingdeductions from the wages of nurses and care attendants if a residentdied and, consequently, there was more than one vacant bed.
      deductions扣除  collectively 共同地 raided盗用 witnesses证人 revealed揭示
      Details of the case were revealed this week after the WorkplaceOmbudsman completed a national audit of 179 aged-care facilities inSouth Australia, New South Wales, Tasmania, Victoria and the ACT.
      As a result the nursing home, which Workplace Ombudsman officeexecutive director Michael Campbell refused to name, agreed voluntarilyto reimburse the staff.
      However, The Advertiser understands the practice had beenin operation since 2005. It is not known whether all staff members wererepaid in full, because detailed pay records were not kept beforeMarch, 2006.
      "Time sheets, already signed by staff for hours worked, were being altered by the payroll officer," Mr Campbell said.
      "Fifteen minutes was being deducted from each staff member to cover the cost of the vacant bed following a death of a resident.
      "Effectively, the nursing home was running two pay formulas, one fora full complement of residents/patients and a discounted rate whendeaths resulted in empty beds. No legal action will be taken in thisinstance, given the immediate contrition on the part of the employerand willingness to rectify any breaches and underpayments."
      formulas公式 contrition悔悟on the part of在什么方面,代表 rectify修正 breaches缺口  
      However, Mr Campbell said there would be no excuse for future breaches.
      The staff were covered by three industrial awards – the Clerks (SA)Award, the Health Services Employees Award and a collective agreementbetween the nurses and nursing home.
      An Australian Nursing Federation spokeswoman said it was not aware of the case.
      Breaches of the Workplace Relations Act carry a maximum penalty of $33,000.
      Nursing homes and aged-care facilities in Australia are paid aCommonwealth subsidy of $135 a day per patient, which will rise to $160a day by 2011.
      subsidy 补助

      There are 3000 nursing homes in Australia providing 170,000 places for older Australians.
      In the 2007-08 financial year, the number of claims from SA receivedby the Workplace Ombudsman increased by 44 per cent, from 1045 to 1509.
      The amount of money recovered for employees as a result of claimsinvestigated and finalised increased by 154 per cent, from $656,000 to$1.6 million.
      With 148 investigations finalised, 21 per cent of those scrutinisedat random have been found to be in breach of the Workplace RelationsAct.
      At least $114,000 will be back-paid to about 500 employees. Of these, 82 workers in SA will be reimbursed about $7000.

      今天发的有点晚,,, 而且文章读的也不太明白。
      请高手指点下,nursing home盗用医疗钱给员工发钱。

      [ 本帖最后由 jh_hammer 于 2008-9-19 00:42 编辑 ]
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       楼主| jh_hammer 发表于 20-9-2008 00:57:15
      ...............  昨天颓废了。。。     今天继续啊。。
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      chengshi_ye 发表于 20-9-2008 16:05:39
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       楼主| jh_hammer 发表于 21-9-2008 10:27:29



      Showdown looms in DPP row
      A MAJOR row has erupted between Director of PublicProsecutions Stephen Pallaras, QC, and the State Government overinterference in the running of his office
      The renewedconflict, over the appointment of a temporary deputy director, has thepotential to escalate into the most significant breakdown of relationsyet between Mr Pallaras and the State Government.
      renewed重新制定  deputy代理  potential潜在的 escalate飞速上涨The Sunday Mail  has learned the relationship between MrPallaras and chief executive officer of the Attorney-General'sDepartment Jerome Maguire has "irretrievably" broken down as a resultof the latest conflict.
      learned 知道 Attorney-General首席检查官  irretrievably不可挽回
      The row may also force a review of the DPP Act to determine whetherthe Director can refuse a directive from the chief executive relatingto the administration of the office.
      row 这里我觉的应该翻为裂痕 determine决定,终止
      Under the DPP Act, Mr Pallaras reports only to Parliament, not tothe chief executive. Section 6(3) of the Act specifically states: "TheDirector has the administration and control of the Office."
      Parliament 国会

      Mr Maguire disputes this, with his spokeswoman advising the Sunday Mail   Mr Maguire maintains he has the power to appoint DPP staff under the Public Sector Management Act.
      dispute辩论,争吵  appoint指派
      In the latest incident that has reignited the simmering conflictbetween the pair, Mr Maguire rejected a key decision made by MrPallaras following the appointment of his former deputy, Martin Hinton,QC, to the position of Solicitor-General on August 21.
      incident事件  simmering个人意见缓慢发生的
      Just over a week ago, Mr Pallaras appointed DPP managing solicitorPauline Barnett as his acting deputy because he was going to be absentfrom the office due to a planned visit to the APY Lands.
      Mr Pallaras appointed Ms Barnett, a long-standing DPP lawyer who iswidely respected in the legal community, acting deputy director untilthe position is filled in several months.
      He formally advised Mr Maguire of his planned action in two emailsthat went unanswered – only to be told by Mr Maguire the appointmentwas not acceptable after Mr Pallaras had advised all DPP staff.
      Several sources told the Sunday Mail Mr Maguire angrilyinstructed Mr Pallaras to "undo" the appointment, but he refusedbecause he believed Ms Barnett was the best qualified. He wassubsequently told by Mr Maguire that Ms Barnett's appointment wouldonly stand for one month and then he would make another temporaryappointment until a new deputy was recruited.
      instructed指示 subsequently之后 recruited补充
      One source said Mr Pallaras had told Mr Maguire this "will nothappen" – the standoff setting the scene for a long-coming showdownbetween the pair.
      scene 场面 showdown摊牌
      The likely result will be a meeting between Mr Pallaras andAttorney-General Michael Atkinson to "clarify" the legality ondirectives from government.
      If that is unsuccessful, the next option for Mr Pallaras is to makea direct appeal to Parliament for a review of the DPP Act. He couldalso ask Parliament for funding for a judicial review of the Act.
      appeal上诉 judicial review再审
      The sources said Mr Pallaras had grown increasingly disturbed at thelevel of interference in the operations of his office, with the latestincident seen as the final straw.
      disturbed困绕  incident事件
      The Sunday Mail  can also reveal Mr Pallaras and Mr Maguirewere in direct conflict over the appointment of a deputy director inhis office last year.
      The conflict was over the writing of the job specifications for theinitial advertisement and the final appointment of senior DPPprosecutor Martin Hinton, QC, as deputy director in May last year.
      job specifications职务资格详细说明书  prosecutor起诉人
      The conflict over the specifications resulted in Mr Pallaras seekingindependent legal advice from an Adelaide QC over his position and theinterference in his role as director.
      The source said the appointment of Mr Hinton also caused enormousconflict between Mr Pallaras and Mr Maguire – not because it was MrHinton, but because Mr Pallaras was directed to appoint him. The sourcesaid the selection panel formed to select the deputy could not be spliton two candidates – Mr Hinton and another person – so Mr Pallaras putforward the option of appointing both as deputies, but performingdifferent functions in his office.
      When Mr Maguire refused that request, Mr Pallaras nominated theunnamed candidate as his preference for deputy, but Mr Maguire alsorefused that request and told him Mr Hinton was to be appointed.
      In an emailed statement to the Sunday Mail late on Friday,a spokeswoman for Mr Maguire said the arrangement for hiring DPP staffhad been in place since the DPP Act was introduced in 1991.
      "The power to appoint staff in the Office of the Director of PublicProsecutions, including the Deputy Director, rests with the ChiefExecutive under the Public Sector Management Act," the statement said.
      "All staff in the ODPP have been appointed under the authority of the CE since the inception of the ODPP.
      "Under the Director of Public Prosecutions Act, the DPP manages the staff and budget allocated to him by the Chief Executive."
      inception 开头  Director of Public Prosecutions = DPP 个人意见

      [ 本帖最后由 jh_hammer 于 2008-9-21 11:26 编辑 ]
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