Room to Rent – Millswood - House share style accommodation, fully furnished room. $125 per week. - Suit female student, non smoker. - Separate bathroom, lounge and kitchen for students - Students do their own shopping, cooking, laundry and cleaning. - Some consumables supplied, eg toilet paper, laundry soap etc. - Rental includes Wi-Fi, use of washing machine and hair dryer. - Owners are friendly married couple. - Or text message to: 0431 767 518 房出租 - Millswood。
- 配套齐全的客房。 125元一周。
- 最好中国女学生,非吸烟者。
- 独立的浴室,休息室和厨房,适合学生
- 学生需要自己买菜,做饭,洗衣和 清洁。
- 提供一些消耗品,如卫生纸,洗衣皂等。
- 租金包括电费,水费,煤气费,无线网络连接,使用洗衣机和吹风机的。
- 业主是友好的夫妇。
- 电邮斯图尔特: [email protected]- 或短信到:0431767518 |