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    City 2 bedroom unit + 1 bathroom + 1 carport $408 转租!

    wenzhee91 发表于 8-9-2013 22:17:40 转发到朋友圈 删帖
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    本帖最后由 wenzhee91 于 2013-9-8 22:44 编辑

    Fully furnished 两个卧室一厅在355A Angas Street. 每星期$408包水费,电费和网络另外。这里也有一个私人停车位。
    我已经住在这里大约两年,不过因为要去Flinders Uni上课,所以想搬去靠近一点的地方罢了。房东是个女洋人,她和他的老公都对我很好,家里有什么坏了都可以告诉房东,他们都会尽快把它修理好。

    现在我还是住在这里,不过我随时都可以搬走(东西都差不多收了!),只是等有人愿意搬进来和处理一些转租的文件。如果想看照片的话,可以去到下面realestate.com的网站看。(T_T bbs不给我复制url)
    地址是:4/355A Angas Street, Adelaide 5000.

    Fabulous location in sought after East end of city. Walk to Hutt St shopping and cafes, and 7 day supermarket is at end of street. Unit is fully renovated and has lots of natural light and is on level 1 with private balcony and reverse cycle air conditioning and 1 carport. Very quiet location down a laneway off Angas St. Fully furnished with 2 bedrooms (main with BIRs), modern kitchen with dishwasher and S/S oven and open plan living/dining. One bathroom with washing machine. Well maintained, quiet group of units.

    BBS提醒: 请避免提前支付订金、押金等任何费用,请与对方当面沟通,确认资质并看清条款。谨防上当受骗。

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