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    Henley Beach Rd,Bus Stop 4, 一特大房, 超近CITY, 限期特价招租!适合短租。

    uuu.liang 发表于 6-11-2012 15:11:29 转发到朋友圈 删帖
    1098 2


    本帖最后由 uuu.liang 于 2012-11-6 15:13 编辑

    The lowest price of the best room you could possibily find in this area! Guaranteed!

    Master room: $130 (including electricity + internet + water ALL INCLUDED)

    Rent to be paid every two weeks and Bond will be equal to 4 weeks rent.;

    Great Location: 5 Flacon avenue,Mile End. (Henley Beach Road,Bus Stop No. 4).
    Please Google it if you not sure how convenient this location is.
    30 seconds walking distance to Bus stop No. 4
    7 mins drive to city
    half hr walking distance to city
    ALL HXXX OR J1,J2,168 Buses
    walking distances to UniSA City West Campus, or 10 mins bus to Adelaide Uni, surrounding by BP, Asain Grocery, Foodland, Woolworths, Subway, Post office, Gym, restaurants, BWS, BARS, Hilton Hotel, etc. "

    500G ADSL 2+ wifi internet.   
    Free Parking Area (enough space for 4 cars)
    Fully furniture
    2 Toilets & 1 Bathroom

    Queen size Bed at Master room, Single Bed at Small room, Wardrobe, study desk, couch, TV, Kitchenware, Microwave, Fridge and Washing machine ALL INCLUDED.

    Welcome for open inspection from now on, available from NOW till 2 or 3 months all up 2 U.

    BBS提醒: 请避免提前支付订金、押金等任何费用,请与对方当面沟通,确认资质并看清条款。谨防上当受骗。

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     楼主| uuu.liang 发表于 6-11-2012 20:04:07

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    使用道具 举报

     楼主| uuu.liang 发表于 7-11-2012 13:14:47
    HOHEHO 发表于 2012-11-7 01:51
    contact 0417488375 masteroom

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