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      [厨师/配菜/服务员] bing boy 招工

      浮云一朵 发表于 8-7-2013 21:44:31
      jiankang0824 发表于 2013-7-7 21:45
      是。您说的是对方读得是本科。我的是573签证  对方是读得master。所以打工时间无限制 这个是签证上写的。 谢 ...

      这样子啊!第一次知道。哈哈 谢谢你!
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      jiankang0824 发表于 8-7-2013 22:40:32
      8104 - Work limitation:
      1.The holder must not engage in work for more than 40 hours a fortnight (subject to subclauses 2 and 3) while the holder is in Australia.
      2.If the holder was granted the visa on the basis of being the family member of a student visa holder, the holder may not commence any work until the primary student visa holder has commenced a course of study.
      3.Family members of the following students can work unlimited hours once the primary student visa holder has commenced their masters or doctorate degree: 1.Students studying a masters by coursework degree (Subclass 573 - Higher Education Sector visa holders) or;
      2.Students studying a masters by research degree or doctorate (Subclass 574 - Postgraduate Research Sector visa holders) or;
      3.Students sponsored by AusAID or Defence and studying a masters by coursework degree, masters by research degree or doctorate (Subclass 576 - AusAID and Defence visa holders).

      4.In this clause fortnight means the period of 14 days commencing on a Monday.
      5.Please see information about visa conditions at http://www.immi.gov.au/students/visa-conditions-students.htm
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      EZY家政 发表于 9-7-2013 19:59:55 来自手机
      jiankang0824 发表于  昨天 22:10
      8104 - Work limitation:
      1.The holder must not engage in work for more than 40 hours a fortnight (s...

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