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      楼主: actraining
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      nicole1997 发表于 13-3-2011 15:24:16


      What is the impact of AP TOPIC

      in the financial report?

      Every one in my class knows how important the financial reports are since they started in my class, this is why I did make my students different. Because I did change the way you are usually thinking, and you started to learn the new way to think about accounts after you came to my class.
      As Financial report always is the main clue in my class, we have gone through AP TOPIC  with you guys last week. Even though we started from processing each invoice, the financial reports should be  in your brain all the time if you don’t want to be a simple AP officer.
      My topic started from P/L reports, we spent hours in P/L reports even though I did tell you how to process invoice and how to make payment and how to reconcile accounts, then I slowly leaded you guys to the B/L sheet while I still explained you guys each individual invoice.
      My purpose is to let you guys explore how important the financial reports are  to you guys even though you are just learning to be a AP officer, but I do believe you are not a simple AP officer after my training
      Yes, very interesting, also I have given you guys a new page in your life - -we are not simply learning  to process AP, we stood on the financial reports to look down the accounts. If you can start from this way, the accounts will very be easily mastered by you as you are learning the whole, not focus on the simple pieces
      Great start and great thinking will lead your great career life, I started my accounts life from this way, Also I knew this is the great way as I have experienced this way from my 20 year accounting career, now I am using this way to train my students as I would like to see you guys have a great start in your accounting career…

      Great start and great thinking will lead your great career life

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      nicole1997 发表于 14-3-2011 16:11:26
      原帖由 shawn20tj 于 2011-3-12 22:38 发表
      Hi Nicole

      Great class today! I found the interview part extremely helpful as I do have some misperceptions regarding how to answer some of the questions before coming to the class. I now have a better understanding of what kinds of answers recruiters are looking for. I will practice more next week. At the same time, to revise everything we have covered during the month.

      Thanks Nicole for your great work!

      The confidence you have given to your interviewer

      and the way you present yourself

      is very important

      Wonderful, You like my interview topic which let you guys learn how to face the different situations while you go for interview and good to know you also learned what our recruiters really look for through the interview....

      Yes, I have interviewed many candidates through my Finance Manager position, from the way the candidates talk, I can realize straight away whether this candidate is really what I am after

      So the confidence you have given to your interviewer and the way you present yourself is very important, yes, have a practice at home

      If you have any questions, please let me know. I will always be here to offer my help to you guys....

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       楼主| actraining 发表于 14-3-2011 21:01:31
      回复 4# huangduanwei


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      nicole1997 发表于 15-3-2011 10:51:44
      原帖由 peterli1983 于 2011-3-15 07:34 发表
      Hi, nicole
      I am very interested in your class while i went through your forum. I am expecting your training on this weekend in Brisbane ! soI am looking forward to come to your class for the free prelistening first and then decide to join  in your Brisbane class on 18/3/2011. Could you please tell me whether  there are still any seats are still available? If there is, please tell me the address



      Hi, Peter,

      Thanks for your interests in my class, Yes, Our Brisbane class will be on 18/03/11 this Friday, you most welcome to come to my class for free prelistening.... I will double check this arvo to see how many have already enrolled my class already and let you know soon

      If you could drop your phone number to my email address on [email protected] in order to contact you on time. thanks



      NICOLE  培训班推出免费试听

      眼见为实, 耳听为虚. 作出你明智的决定

      16  April Sydney class is recruiting

      (初/中级实战班 & 会计实战全能班)

      21 May Sydney class is recruiting

      (初/中级实战班 & 会计实战全能班)

      19 Mar  Brisbane class is recruiting

      9 April Adelaide class is recruiting

      22 April  Perth class is recruiting





      大部分Sydney学生 和全部Sydney以外的城市的学生特别强烈要求此培训班



      此培训班的讲解是从公司的成立到会计日常工作到报表分析运用全系列过程的会计详细过程, 着重FOCUS ON 会计实际操作和报表分析运用.NICOLE用真正的实际工作的INVOICES和TIMESHEETS来提供5个Topic,完整、系统、充实的教学内容,着重讲述FULL FUNCTION的实际操作,同时从第一课讲课开始从REPORT的高度来讲解实际操作班中学到的AP, AR,PAYROLL与报表的内在联系(这是SYNEY 唯一一家会计培训班能让你在最短时间内以最少金***到ACCOUNTANT水平)


      -Accounts Payable Management& Purchase Processing  & Inventory & Accounts Sep up &Matenaince Company Set up

      -Payroll Processing (including Permanent Payroll and Temporary payroll) , Superannuation, PAYG withholding tax, and payroll tax Return,Superannuation & Different Award Interpretation& Different Allowance , Commission, Holiday Leave, Personal Leave, Entitlement caculations , Public Holiday payment, Advanced Payroll 及payroll, Supperannation & termination Payment 变化处理

      -Payroll Processing- Set up Payroll Year and Set up Payroll Accounts, Payroll impact from Financial report, issue Group Certificate and Payment Summary

      -Accounts Receivable Management  and Sales Processing (including issue Services, Time billing Invoice, Prefessional Invoices) and Bank Rec ( Real bank reconcilition)& Inventory and Resume skills

      -Daily Banking and  Bank reconciliations and Cash Management and Petty Cash and Employee Expenses reimbursement

      -报表分析强化 Real Financial Reports Analysis and BAS report( GST ) & Payroll tax & Group Certificate and Interview preparation &IAS (PAYG Withholding Tax)

      -报表分析强化Fixed asset register and maintenance Month end Journal processing Balance sheet reconciliation and variance clearance 参照不同公司的报表出现的错误,高深度全方位分析&实际工作的错误案例分析





      中型-大型规模公司的 (起薪在$45,000-$60,000以上)

      *Assistant Accountant
      *Financial Accountant
      *Assistant Management Accountant

      *Accounts All Round/ Internal Accountant/ Officer administrator Manager

      *Finance Manager/ Accounts Manager


      5个session+Excel training- Sydney只需$850 .Sydney以外其他城市收费标准 $1000.两人以上同时报名可享受优惠。( 我培训班同时推出免费试听旁听, 让学生有机会, 有比较. 然后作出自己明智的决定.)

      免费参加会计实战 Excel 班.性价比极高,5个session。每个session 4-5小时由Nicole 耐心细致,不间断的讲解和学生手把手的操作.你可以完成第一节课后满意付全款,否则只需付第一节课费用性价比极高。  
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      nicole1997 发表于 17-3-2011 12:19:36
      原帖由 peterli1983 于 2011-3-16 08:38 发表

      Hi, Nicole,
      1. 你们有开设1对1的简历修改和面试辅导对吧?
      2. 试听1小时是如何操作的?



      -Yes, Nicole loves to take the risk

      I never ask any students to pay any deposit to hold the seats,

      no matter which city I run my class in there


      Nicole's premium teaching quality

      and Great teaching method

      will attract you to stay in my class

      Hi, Peter,
      thanks for your interests in my class,  for your questions,

      Peter Questions1:. 你们有开设1对1的简历修改和面试辅导对吧?

      Nicole Answer: Yes, I will tell you guys how to write a good resume through my four topics teaching during my class and tell you how to amend your resume after my class until a perfect resume comes out

      Peter Questions2.: 试听1小时是如何操作的?

      Nicole Answer:  For the prelistening, while i am starting my class, the prelistening will start, after one-two hours, i will ask you guys whether you like my class, if my class is not good for you, and then you can go without paying anything money to me . If you like my class, you will start to pay .

      As you know, I need to pay  all the airfare and accommodation by myself to Brisbane or another city if I run my class in there, but I never ask any students to pay any deposit to reserve the seat for my class. Yes, I  do take my risk if nobody comes to my class.

      The reason I do that:  I would like to let you guys to make your own decision after you get to know my class,  I donot force anyone to come to my class because of holding something from you, so I let you free to choose.

      However, I do believe you will not walk out from my class as long as you dare to walk into my class. You know why, my premium quality teaching and my teaching method will attract you, I do believe. As this has been proven from my three year teaching - nobody walks out from my classroom as long as you walk in my class.....If you would like to challenge me , I love to take any changes

      Whether it is true, you will find out this Friday

      Look forward to seeing you soon


      The following is the feeling from  my current students aboiut my class, would you like to know me more, please go through my forum? thanks
      原帖由 yuli5257 于 2011-3-9 22:38 发表

      我不想吹嘘这样的课多么多么有用,多么多么经典,对于学生来说,几百澳币也不是什么小数目,但是就像Nicole说的,你不想永远只做一个Data entry的工作,要做accountant的,要想实现这个梦想,这里可能是一条途径。希望大家都找大自己理想的工作,也希望Nicole桃李满天下。


      原帖由 lucy0205 于 2011-3-16 10:26 发表

      Hi Nicole

      Four weeks classes have finished. I feel my head is so full. Yes, you did feed us four "big meals "including AP,AR,payroll and financial reports . It is true that we  need some time to digest them as we have to learn your nearly 20 years experiences in four weeks. Wow, still a lot of work to do for us.

      With the knowledges I have learnt from you, more and more confidence came back to me. There is a old chinese saying ”艺高人胆大”,since I have learnt the useful skills from you then I will not have much fear in the job hunting, the interviews and even the future job.

      Thanks Nicole, thank your for your excellent teaching ,thank you for calling me several times to talk about my CV.

      I also would like to try the special program if it is possible.


      原帖由 annafun 于 2011-3-15 23:14 发表

      [quote]原帖由 jimhe5770 于 2011-3-14 22:53 发表
      Hi Nicole,
      星期六的报表班内容很棒阿,谢谢你耐心的讲课。但是内容太多了,我得好好复习,慢慢消化了。 如果有不理解的地方我会给你电话咨询的。还有想问一下你的
      special program 怎么申请阿,我很感兴趣,希望等你有空跟我说说,可以吗?谢谢


      Nicole just cooked "a big dinner"- Financial report

      for you in order to feed  you guys for the long run,

      not for the short run....

      that is delicious oh as you told me,


      Hi, Danny,

      Good to know you like my class, I can see you very concentrated in my class.Yes ,星期六的报表班内容很棒阿, I totally agree. haha, you complained "但是内容太多了,我得好好复习,慢慢消化了" haha, you are too skinny, I just cooked "a big dinner"- Financial report for you in order to feed  you guys for the long run, not for the short run.... that is delicious oh as you told me, 星期六的报表班内容很棒阿

      I know you have been working for Accounts payable for a long time and now you would like to switch to be an accountant one day.... Yes, Financial report is very important for your accounting career if you would like to be a great accountant. what you have entered in the accounting software , it will be in your financial report. so could you please always think about what will be the impact for each transaction.....

      if you can keep practicing this way, you will find the difference between the accountant and bookkeeping

      For the special program, we can discuss any time while you finish reviewing your topic, let me know while you are ready.... All the best. if you need any help, please  keep in touch.


      ... [/quote]

      原帖由 addcolor 于 2011-3-10 00:42 发表

      学校的课程太偏理论性 对于即将毕业面临找工作的我来说 不是非常有用

      抱着试试看的心态 我来到Nicole的课堂上
      然后就这样开始了一段受益匪浅 振奋人心的学习经历

      Nicole老师拉我坐到她旁边 让我拿个笔记本记笔记
      说实话 我当时什么都不懂 也没任何概念要做些什么笔记
      可是没想到 一节课下来 我旁边的同学说我的笔记记的是最多的  
      其实不是我喜欢记笔记 记的东西多是因为nicole老师的课程非常informative,那么多的重要的知识点 那麽多好的找工作的tips
      我边听边记 不知不觉就写了好多页

      我觉得自己很幸运 能有机会上了两遍最难最累的topic:payroll和financial statement analysis
      第一遍是旁听 第二遍是上手操作
      这个星期当我带着电脑 真正操作的时候
      我觉得那些知识点 又重新浮现出来
      都忘记要给没有旁听过这节课的同学一个思考的机会 sorry呀
      nicole老师赶紧提醒我说 “听过这节课的同学先不要回答 我想让没听过课的同学有一个独立思考的过程 不要直接听答案”
      看 nicole老师的课堂就是这样 她不会让任何一个学生拉下 她鼓励学生独立思考 积极参与 真真正正学懂学会

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      nicole1997 发表于 21-3-2011 15:20:54

      原帖由 jamesausnsw 于 2011-3-19 23:31 发表
      Nicole真的不好意思,你一直在等我的backup。我这周都在准备最后一节课上讲的interview的question以及复习adjust blance sheet report. 我已经看到您给我指出的错误的地方,我会马上更正。

      We can go through your interview questions

      at 9.30PM if the time suits to you

      Hi, james,

      Thanks for telling me you got interview  and Glad to know you have done a good interview today, If you have any questions to dicuss with me ,  please call me around 9.30pm tonight
      Good Luck
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      xiaoxiaoxiao 发表于 13-6-2012 14:43:37
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