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      [精华分享] 分享面试问题1000道及经典回答(第二季)

      marialee 发表于 9-4-2013 17:16:49 转发到朋友圈 删帖
      83677 213


      分享面试1000题极经典回答 – 第二季

      感谢各位对本话题的关注. 在本季内容中,更进一步更新深入的面试问题.换言之,也是面试问答中相当关键部分.是骡子是马,到这里就该拉出来骝骝了. 这也是一场斗智斗勇的战斗,凡是参加过各大公司的GRADUATE POSITION面试的朋友,应该不会忘记那是何等的激烈. 简历写的好,无非只是捡了块敲门砖. 面试的时候如果掉以轻心, 往往是竹篮打水一场空. 在继续上一季面试问题前.黑哥再次友情提示:

      1.使用: STAR模式:
      所谓STAR原则是近年来国际流行面试公式,简单的说:这是一种说话的套路,回答问题的模式. 在STAR模式中,面试官会更深入的了解到招聘者的实际水平.这样达到的效果更胜于参看招聘者简历. 而招聘者在使用STAR的同时,也更好的组织了自己的语言和体现了一种较好的逻辑思维能力.

      S: SITUATION (背景-发生了什么事情?)
      T: TASK (任务-这件事里需要完成一个什么任务?)
      A: ACTION (行动-你是怎么操作/行动的呢?)
      R: RESULT (结果-结果是什么?你从明白了什么/学到了什么?)

      虽然又是老生常谈.但往往很多应聘者在神经紧张状态忽略. 所以还是那句话,不打无准备之仗. 认真准备是成功必要条件之一.

      2. 3个不要

      一位曾任职悉尼著名ROSS中介10年,现任SYD U专职HR教官对笔者曾经提出了3 不要观点.这3点是他个人针对中国背景面试者总结出来的.有一定的针对性. 黑哥虽然一直对其存在异见.但心平气和后想想这 3不要还真有些道理:
      1.不要挤牙膏! 这样的情况,想必曾经面试过的人都有出现.一方面语言是制约讲话的因素,另一方面中国太自谦.这一点不得不表扬印度阿三的厚脸皮精神. 如果在面试的第一阶段就出现挤牙膏-问一句,答一句.那么整个面试过程双方都会觉得非常尴尬.而大方,主动性教强的应聘者往往会给人留下教好的印象.

      2.不要过于夸大又无事实证明! 这样的错误也是国人中长见. 首先在简历中写的过于夸大. 例如: STRONG COMMUNICATION SKILLS. 如果在面试中不能举出实例证明如何STRONG, 面试官会觉得应聘者华而不实.夸夸其谈.

      3.不要太老实!也不能说谎! 面世官经常会出奇的问一些意想不到的问题, 其实考的是应聘者的反应能力和解决突发事件的能力. 例如: XXX公司招聘毕业生职位,考官问: “你的成绩不是很理想,可能达不到我们雇佣的要求. 但我仍然想知道,为什么你的成绩不够优秀?” 遇见这样的尴尬的问题.不要太老实的回答:我的英语不好/我的数学不好.这样无非是在暴露你的弱点. 更不要说谎.关于该类问题的回答,可参考1000题内回答.


      Q:What salary would you expect for this job?
      A:Based on your job description,which mentions that you prefer someone with a master's degree in engineering,I hope you consider the fact that my skills meet your highest standards.Therefore,I'd expect a salary at the high end of your pay range for the position classification.Can you give me some indication of your range??


      BBS提醒: 请避免提前支付订金、押金等任何费用,请与对方当面沟通,确认资质并看清条款。谨防上当受骗。

      免责声明: 本网站所提供的信息,只供参考之用。本网站不保证信息的准确性、有效性、及时性和完整性。本网站及其雇员一概毋须以任何方式就任何信息传递或传送的失误、不准确或错误,对用户或任何其他人士负任何直接或间接责任。在法律允许的范围内,本网站在此声明,不承担用户或任何人士就使用或未能使用本网站所提供的信息或任何链接所引致的任何直接、间接、附带、从属、特殊、惩罚性或惩戒性的损害赔偿。

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      BBS网友  发表于 30-1-2015 22:14:51

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      BBS网友  发表于 30-1-2015 12:18:24

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          过去河蟹一族为什么能够一直压制着别人?除了墨山和九大长老的原因外,最主要是因为他们有着比别人多的多的精英级别的高手。比起当初的四域联盟来也差不多,michael kors lommebok。
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      BBS网友  发表于 29-1-2015 20:31:38

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      "Haitian glanced at Duanmu, this old guy was his took the apricot yellow flag. Apricot yellow flag though power than their new Zhengtian Excalibur, but is also a good congenital chaotic artifact. But for them, it is a bit too easy, return to have to find a way to be congenital chaotic artifact which is taken out, and then re refining a congenital chaotic artifact. Duanmu see Haitian glimpse of himself, heart suddenly one Zhan, could not help but burst into screams: "Haitian, don't say congenital chaotic gas you is from my yellow flag?" "No, I haven't had time to go back, no natural hands on your apricot yellow flag." Haitian lightly shook to shake head, "I Xinzheng congenital chaotic gas day sword in, is taken from another piece of congenital chaotic artifact." "What is the congenital chaotic artifact?" Haitian these words mixed up all one's appetite. Don't say is Tang Tianhao Qinfeng them, even Renton, Duanmu Rubio also proud of this evil cloud four big master, but also could not help but curious. Congenital chaotic artifact was very scarce, some are the main, some ownerless thing, already do not know what went off,louis vuitton oslo, they all want to know, the Haitian from which corner and find a congenital chaotic artifact. At the same time, they also want to what, perhaps the original owner they knew? Slowly open mouth: "I found the destruction of this congenital chaotic artifact called -- the Xuanyuan sword!" Sorry? Xuanyuan sword? This is not possible!" Hearing this, Renton, but not what reaction, after all, he had just crossed paths and Emperor Xuanyuan, pour haven't played, at the outset and Emperor Xuanyuan fight is their Dayu king. But Rubio also proud of Duanmu evil cloud responses of three people can not be the same, when they are following the Guo Xuanyuan emperor,toms sko norge, even seen the Xuanyuan sword,louis vuitton neverfull, how don't know much about the Xuanyuan sword? So to speak, in the universe,michael kors veske salg, no one can destroy the Xuanyuan sword! Moreover, the Xuanyuan sword is called congenital chaotic artifact the best in all the land,toms sko salg, the most important is that it has a high level of consciousness! Of course, compared the Xuanyuan sword consciousness can not and Haitian Xinzhengtian Excalibur,michael kors klokker, after all, the spirit is the new Zhengtian Excalibur,toms sko, but Li Meng the giant fit in. Xuanyuan sword spirit is the self, is the formation of a priori, part of the poor. This is the new Zhengtian Excalibur can one important reason beyond the original Xuanyuan sword. Because of the Xuanyuan sword has a high level of consciousness, so even if no control, want to beat him is very difficult, almost impossible. So the Duanmu et al in hear Haitian said congenital chaotic gas from the Xuanyuan sword, the first reaction is to don't believe. "The sea...... The sea and the sky, you said that the inherent chaotic gas you, is from the Xuanyuan sword?" Ao evil cloud also has not believe, after all the Xuanyuan sword in their eyes has a very special status. See all don't know what you mean,michael kors klokker, Xuanyuan sword is really strong, I also not a rival. But then, with the help of emperor Xuanyuan, so nothing's the same!" (to be continued.
      BBS网友  发表于 29-1-2015 20:24:32

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      Okay. Haitian lightly order to nod, this is he carefully selected a six product is animal, Chunyang Benniu group, as for call what name, Haitian is not clear. He had caught so many animal, how can one to remember the name? But this only six product animal to Haitian kneeling down scene falls on the Hightown Yun's eyes is very surprised, he clearly feels that the only animal eyes but reached six products the animal realm, in other words with strength he belongs to a level. So the strength of the animal,louis vuitton priser, would call the Haitian master, it's not too weird? Hightown Yun was surprised looking at the Haitian, Haitian just four products and the man of God? How can soothe animal got six products? Right,louis vuitton veske, must be town beast tower of the credit! The town of beast tower for the top grade artifact, so magical function is normal. More think more is the atmosphere, his father was a seven level's master, even a top artifacts are not, it is a shame. And the man of God's hand is four Haitian products hold a top Bo Tim Tin Mat artifact, too. That. May I have your name, please. Don't ask really bad call. The head of the Chunyang Benniu family master respectfully replied: "back to the master, my name is Niu Hangben." Cattle for ben to Haitian can can't have a lack of respect, but he remember how they are Haitian arrested,toms sko salg, that almost no power to resist. And then the chrysanthemum pig on their training is to let them down, no one dare to give birth to betrayal heart head animal. Haitian nodded: "cattle for Ben is? Your opponent is him,toms sko, I'll give you time, in a minute to finish him off, reward you...... Well, a drop of the LORD God anima!" Suddenly,toms sko, the cattle for running a bright eyes! The LORD God psychic? That's good stuff! He knew the Haitian have this baby, a time nodded hastily: "to ensure the completion of the task!" To tell the truth, the Haitian in reward cover more costs a lot of mind. Cattle for Ben reached six goods goods artifact like animal, not missing. While the top grade artifact Haitian oneself is very scarce, is not enough, will naturally not out reward. Think it over and over again, only the LORD God psychic this stuff yourself the most,michael kors tote, can take out a reward. But the Haitian and cattle for running dialogue is to be opposite the Hightown Yun to gas to straight, he stared at the Haitian roar a way: "smelly boy what you say? Want to let him in a minute get rid of me? It is a dream! Also, you say you want to reward the LORD God spiritual power, is really a big talk,michael kors selma, you know that the LORD God anima is what things? But that even large successful master no baby!" The presence of the * * * most of them do not know the LORD God anima is what things, but now the Dun Yun remarks, though still not very clear, but know that the LORD God of psychic powers but in order not to baby. Just, Haitian this four products and the man of God, to really be able to get out of it? Don't make jokes, a big embarrassed. The sea is boundless behind hurry run round in circles: "Oh, this is how to do? It is so is through a catastrophe!" It is a little static under heart sea continuously, pull the sea boundless way: "eldest brother, you also don't hurry,toms sko salg, don't see Hightown Yun some fear that the animal?
      BBS网友  发表于 29-1-2015 20:19:26

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      One can know Tang Tianhao this is in according to the monkeys, and monkeys was tightly staring at Tang Tianhao: "you! Boy, don't try to arouse my anger, but otherwise I will kill you!" "Kill me? Freak but will avenge me, you're not his opponent!" Tang Tianhao make nothing of smile. Sorry. You said I open four products and the man of God is not his opponent?" The monkey seemed to be stepped on tail gas, to stamp with rage, not at all four products some of the style of the man of god. Seeing them again quarrel, confused dragged aunt stood out: "good good, you do not fight. Tian Hai brother finished the task successfully, we should be happy, not here in the noisy." "That is, Tian Hai little brother is really great, thanks to I did not refuse him,toms sko p? nett, otherwise the consequences be unbearable to contemplate it probably also really a little." Lin Tiannan is a face of excited, back Lin Luxun et al., the biggest benefit man is he. "Hurry up will Tian Hai little brother called come in, just release the strokes,louis vuitton priser, he must the body of spiritual power loss big sword." Confused life man opened the door, and cried out to sea. Hear behind cries sound, Haitian light at the head. He wanted to take the opportunity to catch up to the space shuttle Lin Luxun to completely destroy,louis vuitton vesker, but just in the release of Shenhuo at the same time, also lost many of his sword to work properly dint,louis vuitton bags, coupled with the marching days are consumed huge sword Excalibur spiritual power, the body has a There is not much left.,toms salg, again afraid in pursuit of the past and not come back. Consider repeatedly, the Haitian decided to temporarily go back first, as for the forest Luxun them, even if the fixed space shuttle, I'm afraid I couldn't catch up. Subsequently, the Haitian stepping is day sword fly directly to the super large space shuttle next to the doors,toms sko barn, a stride jump in. They hurriedly will the door shut, everyone around us, including those who master a master cluster are surrounded by the Haitian joy cried: "Tian Hai little brother, you're too much, even for large space shuttle can damage." In the face of all the praise, the Haitian modest smiled: "all is because everyone's help, or I can't do it." "Where, this is your personal strength, has nothing to do with us." The people devoting their praise. But, a person is not happy, but also very unhappy. "Hum! The boy just lucky, if only I could fly to the outside,toms sko barn, also can do!" The monkey loudly roared, and then the head is not back towards the rear to go. The 622nd chapter of the 622nd chapter monkey monkey anger anger all Zhengzheng at the monkey's departure, confused hurried up,toms norge, smile two: "Tian Hai brother, the monkey that are not, please do not care about." "Rest assured, I also not to dispute with him." Haitian slightly squinting eyes looking at the monkeys leave direction, "but you'd better tell him confused predecessors, a word, I don't care with him doesn't mean I bullied.
      BBS网友  发表于 29-1-2015 20:13:26

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      The major forces leaders excited looked at the eight ring sword textbook hands, face flushed red. Of course, they are the same and ink mountain, smatter thumbed up. As for the inside of the content is true or false, they really don't know. But has experienced such a, they are in no doubt that this material must be true, did not see the Bellagio so desperately want to rob back? Just because the Bellagio accident, it had to go. The major forces after got the textbooks, immediately organized under the master began to practice eight ring sword. But they all don't know,toms sko barn, they get the so-called eight ring sword textbook, all is false, it is kill two birds with one stone of the sea and the sky. Of course, this time the Haitian, also did not know that his plan has obtained great success. He, in order to avoid crab family and underground forces to deal with them, he first came to the underground forces here, want to persuade them to stand at his side. The Haitian know this way is hard, but he remains went. If he's a fix,louis vuitton noe, there is likely to be the other side of the giant to seize. Even if he knew the two cosmic rules,toms dame, want to escape from a giant hand, it is very difficult. In the years before, the Haitian already after a survey, underground forces is generally a loosely refers to the underground forces of the alliance. In external treatment of any transaction, are the alliance to decide. Don't look at the underground forces seem very weak like, must know that they once together really,louis vuitton oslo, absolute strength is not weak in any star domain. Like the underground black Haitian been before,louis vuitton bags, is the underground forces sites throughout the universe. The whole underground forces, is divided into five major forces. The three major forces have giant, and the two major forces behind is no giant, but because of their own strength, which was barely squeeze into the underground power five power. Generally speaking, as long as the three bit has a giant level master power to make decisions, the two major forces in the rest did not mind. Do not say first according to the voting principle, three votes over two votes, only the three major forces have a giant that is not easy. Like the Haitian have had blood kill group, one of the forces is the three have giant. Their blood kill group ascend elder too much song, is a giant level master,michael kors veske salg, although actual strength and Barry they immeasurably, but here is a super powerful. Song for is the last era survived,michael kors vesker, and unexpected breakthroughs to the giants after. Although he established the blood kill group, but no personally management, but always hidden behind. The last time the fam trip, one of the two giants, he is in the underground forces. Unfortunately, they did not get what the action, but is suffer heavy casualties. Another giant last participation fam trip, is derived from the house of Zhao Wuyan yeend! Zhao Wuyan is from the last era, however,michael kors veske norge, and song for slightly different is, in his last era it is a giant level. In this era of the Seven Star domain because of too strong, so they don't have one's day.
      BBS网友  发表于 29-1-2015 18:13:44

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