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      [灌水] according to the law of their sentences

      法国回到家 发表于 19-2-2013 12:27:26 转发到朋友圈 删帖
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      's Court for taking bribes sentenced to 12 years in prison. Xia Guanghai Guangdong Provincial Salt distribution (enterprise) in August from 1995 to 1998 Group Company Guangzhou Branch Salt Administration chief, from September 1998 to June 1999, he was appointed as the the Foshan National Salt Industry Corporation of Salt Policy Koko long, from June 1999 to July 2000, he was appointed assistant to the general manager of the Salt Industry Corporation in Dongguan, Dongguan Salt Company Vice President since July 2000. Xiaguang Hai repeatedly used his position to the end of 1997 to 2008,abercrombie france, to provide protection for the number of the salt traders trafficking, loading and unloading of private salt,louboutin, and repeatedly accepting "protection money" for a cumulative total of 1,hollister.81 million yuan,doudoune moncler. March 18, 2008,moncler, Xia Guanghai surrendered to the Guangzhou Municipal People's Procuratorate, and then exit the stolen money 1.21 million yuan,moncler outlet. Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court after hearing that the defendant Xia Guanghai constituted bribery,abercrombie, given that it has voluntarily surrendered themselves, pleaded guilty to a good attitude, and exit of most of the stolen money of their personal income, according to the law of their sentences, then sentenced him to 12 years in prison their property confiscated 100,000 yuan,abercrombie uk. It is reported that, Guangdong in Salt Woan personnel involved up to as many as seven people, has become the largest domestic in Salt Woan,mulberry outlet uk, and the case now, not been able to make people glimpse of the whole picture,mulberry outlet. Guangdong Salt System Woan, Xia Guanghai first sentenced. Xiaguang Hai,air jordan pas cher, who just turned 50 years old yesterday, his 50th birthday, can only be spent inside the walls,hollister.
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