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      [时尚潮流] Attend a friend’s party

      nikelees2 发表于 2-4-2012 12:15:57 转发到朋友圈 删帖
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      本帖最后由 nikelees2 于 2012-4-2 12:17 编辑

      15 Attend a friend’s party
      Dress code: tight-fitting clothes will always be your first choice. These clothes will make you look sexy, and also become the focus of woman. In addition, a number of high-grade accessories will be essential. With the program: the eye-catching clothes are worth recommending, you can release their own space in noisy night market,. You can deliberately dress more beautiful and spray on the fragrant perfume. Trend: the low-cut jeans are a hot choice, and then lining the fine texture of the silk shirt, so you have a fatal attraction. If the weather is a little bit cold, dapper leather jacket is a good choice, and then lined with a pair of boots, you are full of stylish. It is time for Accessories such as necklaces, bracelets, ring to appear. But the manual must be good enough; otherwise it will make you similar with the avant-garde juvenile. Taboo: Never wear a suit in the party, otherwise you will find themselves in the wrong place. So as not to carry a handbag and briefcase Do not dress too sexy, otherwise it will introduce misunderstanding.
      The source of article : Attend a friend’s party www.mybeautifuldress.net welcome To Free Reproduced.

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