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    Rundle St 高收入UGG店转让 适合想开店拿pr的人士

    shitass 发表于 5-11-2011 14:53:00 转发到朋友圈 删帖
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    本帖最后由 shitass 于 2011-11-5 15:54 编辑

    没错,就是那家最近很火的UGG店要转让,因为Michael有更大的生意要做,很难兼顾两头,所以打算把这个business转手。经过Michael几个月的经营,这家店已经在阿德莱德颇有名气,每周收入都十分可观,Michael希望找到一些有能力接受这个店的中国人,因为中国人可以在拥有这家店的同时经营淘宝店,那对中国人来说会是一个容易的赚钱机会。有意的人可以在每天五点半以后给Michael打电话。0408651373。或者直接到店里来详细谈,地址是shop 18 Ebenezer Place, Rundle St
    I am sure many of you know my new business, Uggs and Kisses. We sell the best quality ugg boots in Adelaide! I have only been opened for a little while and the business has been very successful. Thank you to everyone who has helped me make this happen. I have recently been offered a job as the director of another company which is an offer that is too good to refuse. I am sad to say that I must sell Uggs and Kisses to take this new opportunity. We have had very strong sales since opening and it will only get better when the cold weather comes! If you are interested in buying Uggs and Kisses, please contact me to discuss the business profits and any other information. I have worked very hard to make this business professional and we have a good relationship with big brands such as UGG Australia, EMU Australia and Canterbury Sheepskin. There is a great future for this business, especially for the Chinese community to sell these original products on Taobao. This is a very big opportunity for the smart investor. I am happy to work in the shop for a while to train your staff and to help you until you are comfortable. This business is my baby and I would like the right operator to treat it as well as I have. Call me anytime after 5:30pm any day on 0408651373.

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