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      Charly 发表于 27-4-2011 10:03:21 转发到朋友圈 删帖
      762 2


      Very nice and safe place, there free golf filed around here, as well as gym, so you can keep fit any time you want.

      a bus stop just outside, very convenient to city centre,just take about 5min, also have shopping shop and restaurant here.

      house has two storey, your room is on ground floor, also one room there, so it is quite and convenient, you have your own toilet and basin, so you don't need to share with others.:)

      house mate all are students and female.

      the price incluing everthing, big tv ,laundry, bed, desk and so on, it is quite nice.

      you can come and have a see,and check everything I said is truth,  no matter you take or not,,  just SMS or call me at 0434031190,

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      claire3 发表于 27-4-2011 11:39:00
      is this house also for couple?
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       楼主| Charly 发表于 30-4-2011 20:05:26
      still  available until long long time ,  just call  and come and have a view, welcome,

      acutually this price is  reasonable,  if you don't believe,  see yourself.

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