作为我们PlP/Pathway的一部分,学生需要在六月16日和20日之间做一个一星期的工作实习。作为一个工作刻苦,而且学得很快的申请者,本人希望能在city 或者city附近(9am-5pm)来做这个工作实习。如果你能安排一个位置给我,请尽快通过短信方式把的您的信发送到0416292778。当确认后,我会尽快与您安排访问来填写一些学校需要的表格。
As part of our studies, students need to do a one week work placement between the 16th and 20th of June. As a hard worker and a quick learner, it would be my best of interest to do it during days time in or near the city. if you could arrange a placement for me ,please text message your information through to ph:0416292778. When conformed, I would arrange to visit you soon with a simple form that needs to be completed for the school to formalise the placement for the week.
本贴与2014/06/16日截止 |
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