在移民局网站上看到的 Skilled – Independent (Migrant) Visa (Subclass 175)The department is not accepting any new applications for this visa.
The following information applies to you, if you lodged an application for this visa subclass on or before 30 June 2012.
If you are interested in the Points Tested skilled migration you must use SkillSelect to submit an Expression of Interest for a skilled visa. You are able to submit an Expression of Interest from anywhere in the world.
See: SkillSelect
这是什么意思?是不再接受独立技术移民的申请?还是说 可以申请 只不过要通过eoi?谢谢。
还有一个问题 不知哪位大神能帮忙解释。。现在独立技术移民境内和境外申请 在时间和顺序上有差别吗?听人说好像现在境内外都一样了。。。?
BBS提醒: 请避免提前支付订金、押金等任何费用,请与对方当面沟通,确认资质并看清条款。谨防上当受骗。
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