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壮家alice 发表于 18-10-2012 15:30:07
原文:h t t p ://news.6park.com/index.php?app=news&act=view&nid=37541
在比利时的制造工厂发现病菌后,大约11.5万剂Infanrix hexa疫苗正在被澳洲供应商葛兰素史克公司(GlaxoSmithKline Australia,GSK)召回。
Infanrix hexa通常被定期给予2个月,4个月和6个月大的婴儿,作为全国预防接种计划(National Immunisation Program)的一部分。它被用来防止六种疾病:白喉(diphtheria),破伤风( tetanus),百日咳(pertussis或称whooping cough),乙型肝炎(hepatitis B),脊髓灰质炎(poliomyelitis (或称polio)和B型嗜血杆菌(Haemophilus influenzae type b或称Hib)。
在制造工厂内发现的蜡样芽状杆菌(Bacillus cereus)是一种常见于食物和土壤中的细菌,该细菌对人类具有毒性,可以引发腹泻及呕吐。但被召回批次的疫苗中并未被检出细菌污染。
若有婴儿在接种这一疫苗后出现任何不良反应,请家长立即拨打GSK GSK Medical Information热线1800 033 109及向各州的卫生厅报告。
Press Releases
11 Oct 2012 - Voluntary recall of six batches of Infanrix hexa®
GSK is working with the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) to voluntarily recall for quality reasons 6 batches of Infanrix hexa in Australia. These were dispatched from GSK between August 2011 and January 2012 and are being recalled solely as a precautionary measure.
GSK has multiple quality controls in place for facilities, equipment and products. Testing by GSK has identified that one step of the vaccine manufacturing process was found to have a low level contamination.
No contamination has been found in the vaccine itself and all vaccine batches and ingredients have passed the stringent quality and sterility testing required to be released for use in Australia.
This recall is precautionary. Anyone vaccinated with a dose of Infanrix hexa does not need to take any action. There is no need for revaccination.
“Based on release specifications and safety report monitoring, GSK believes the effectiveness and safety profile of the vaccine remains unchanged. We also believe this issue poses no health risk to patients. This voluntary recall is being taken solely as a precautionary measure,” said Andrew Yeates, GSK Medical Director.
GSK maintains a global database of side effects reported for medicines and vaccines manufactured by the company. A search of this database found no change in reporting pattern since the identified batches have been released. To date no reported adverse events have been directly linked to this issue.
As usual, any adverse events following immunisation should be reported to GSK Medical Information on 1800 033 109. Adverse events should also be reported to State and Territory Health Authorities.
Infanrix hexa (administered at 2, 4 and 6 months of age) is provided as part of the National Immunisation Program and is used to protect against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, hepatitis B, polio and Hib disease.
The batches identified are: A21CB144A, A21CB188D, A21CB188E, A21CB190A, A21CB197A, and A21CB221B. These were dispatched from GSK between August 2011 and January 2012.
For further information please contact:
Ken Griffin
Tel: + 61 3 9413 4560
Mobile: +61 477 322 431
[email protected]
Lisa Maguire
Tel: + 61 3 9721 6637
Mobile: +61 449 950 745
[email protected]
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