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    Looking for bussiness investment

    olympic2012 发表于 10-8-2012 06:12:21 转发到朋友圈 删帖
    1035 4


    I am looking for bussiness investment, budget is around 500k

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    boonchien 发表于 10-8-2012 07:22:49
    Hi, please call me at 0430151406 (Boon) if you are looking for business or investment opportunities. I have restaurants, cafe, retails shop, wine export and many other business might interested you. Thank you.
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    Mr.Miao 发表于 6-2-2013 23:24:46
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    dalewood 发表于 15-2-2013 08:41:57
    本帖最后由 dalewood 于 2013-2-15 09:14 编辑

    Hello, I am Laura from Dale Wood Business Sales Consultancy. Australian Local Company with nearly 30 years high-reputation, and it is the longest history business broker in Adelaide.

    We got hundreds of investment choices, price range from $50,000 to several millions. Investment include: hotel, motel, restaurant, famous franchise, motor traders, hardware stores, fashion, fruit & vegetable, newsagency, telecommunications, accounting & service practices, wholesale distribution, supermarkets, manufacturing, truck / heavy vehicle distribution & delivery rounds, variety stores, nurseries, etc. etc.

    Please call me 0423 688 966, at any of your convenient time. I am sure our services will make you satisfied.

    www.dalewood.com.au Our website, please have a look, you will better understand our high professional services.

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    lny 发表于 16-2-2013 15:28:05
    0430795150----2 in 1 popular franchises for sale.
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