In Chanel’s life she is not married, she created a great fashion herve leger UKempire, while she pursuit the life that she want, she is the best example of independent woman. She can mostly understand the feelings of pleasure, a new era of women. French officer ETIENNE BALSAN, British industrialist ARTHUR CAPEL and she have the good relationship .he opened the first hat shop for her., the first fashion shop; she travels with the Duke of Westminster, she was inspired to design the first tweed suit materials; every male in the life stimulate a source of herve legercreativity, she is not just lucky, but very hard and serious work! Even been more than 70 years old, she still come back no longer serve Chanel. In 1983 Karl Lagerfeld is as fashion director of Chanel , but so far every season we still see Chanel spirit of the design concept. The source of article :She did not married in all life www.mybeautifuldress.net welcome To Free Reproduced.