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      zhenzhu 发表于 17-9-2011 21:54:42 转发到朋友圈 删帖
      2104 28


      大家好,我是一名女生,在uniSA读书。* T& }1 ?8 F5 W  D!

      想找一间单人大房间,屋内有:大床,床头柜,书桌,椅子,衣柜,台灯,白天光线好一点。' A; D$ P( ^

      最多跟2个人share卫浴。但一定要有空调,至少有中央空调。8 f# Q, |6 l$ N4 C( j
      要有基本的厨具及洗衣机,环境要安静一点的,安全一点,屋内干净一点的。/ HK: W5 \- z
      房子的地理位置大概在公车站的15站左右,到city在15分钟以内。  ]0 H0 s0 L# `# z" g* m4 b
      租金+水电煤气网不超过130,最好有全包的。3 j2 `" ^( ^7 P9 R9 m- K
      希望可以有很nice的室友。1 \0 h: m, H8 j5 J
      在10月2号前入住。' Z3 B* w! f. g( D$ `2 c/ E4 g: J

      BBS提醒: 请避免提前支付订金、押金等任何费用,请与对方当面沟通,确认资质并看清条款。谨防上当受骗。

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      nianzi_1010 发表于 17-9-2011 22:23:18
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      lhs761122 发表于 17-9-2011 22:36:50
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      美木 发表于 18-9-2011 14:19:05
      Sorry , the computer has problem , when I click it , it's not moving, so it has printed 3 times.
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      美木 发表于 18-9-2011 14:04:03
      The place we live seems meet your requirements:

      -  pretty sunny room, beautiful desk and walldrobe,
      -  queen bed plus behead, desk lamp, desk beautiful chair,
      -  two quiet person plus you living in a quiet and pretty house which is located in suburb.
      -  air conditioning, electric fan, etc
      -  the will be 15 minutes to city, one student also drive to Uni sa sometimes probably give free lift.
      The house is 2 minutes walking distance from Uni SA MAGILL campus. That means you can go to the Uni SA library by walking just for 2 minutes. The library is open
      24 hours each day.

      The room is available 02/10/11,  and the rent is $130 bills included.
      Call me on : 0413222422  to inquire.   
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      使用道具 举报

      美木 发表于 18-9-2011 14:05:45
      The place we live seems meet your requirements:

      -  pretty sunny room, beautiful desk and walldrobe,
      -  queen bed plus behead, desk lamp, desk beautiful chair,
      -  two quiet person plus you living in a quiet and pretty house which is located in suburb.
      -  air conditioning, electric fan, etc
      -  the will be 15 minutes to city, one student also drive to Uni sa sometimes probably give free lift.
      The house is 2 minutes walking distance from Uni SA MAGILL campus. That means you can go to the Uni SA library by walking just for 2 minutes. The library is open
      24 hours each day.

      The room is available 02/10/11,  and the rent is $130 bills included.
      Call me on : 0413222422  to inquire.   
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      使用道具 举报

      美木 发表于 18-9-2011 14:06:44
      The place we live seems meet your requirements:

      -  pretty sunny room, beautiful desk and walldrobe,
      -  queen bed plus behead, desk lamp, desk beautiful chair,
      -  two quiet person plus you living in a quiet and pretty house which is located in suburb.
      -  air conditioning, electric fan, etc
      -  the will be 15 minutes to city, one student also drive to Uni sa sometimes probably give free lift.
      The house is 2 minutes walking distance from Uni SA MAGILL campus. That means you can go to the Uni SA library by walking just for 2 minutes. The library is open
      24 hours each day.

      The room is available 02/10/11,  and the rent is $130 bills included.
      Call me on : 0413222422  to inquire.   
      回复 支持 反对

      使用道具 举报

      美木 发表于 18-9-2011 14:07:33
      The place we live seems meet your requirements:

      -  pretty sunny room, beautiful desk and walldrobe,
      -  queen bed plus behead, desk lamp, desk beautiful chair,
      -  two quiet person plus you living in a quiet and pretty house which is located in suburb.
      -  air conditioning, electric fan, etc
      -  the will be 15 minutes to city, one student also drive to Uni sa sometimes probably give free lift.
      The house is 2 minutes walking distance from Uni SA MAGILL campus. That means you can go to the Uni SA library by walking just for 2 minutes. The library is open
      24 hours each day.

      The room is available 02/10/11,  and the rent is $130 bills included.
      Call me on : 0413222422  to inquire.   
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      mavislei 发表于 18-9-2011 22:18:13
      本帖最后由 mavislei 于 2011-9-18 22:20 编辑

      房間有雙人床. 廁所本來只是跟一個HSEMATE一起SHARE
      他跟我都回國. 他不會把房間出租
      西北面14號站. 但我們在11月22日才回國
      你希望有的大床,床头柜,书桌,椅子,衣柜,台灯,白天光线好一点 都有:D
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      mavislei 发表于 18-9-2011 22:19:26
      你希望有的大床,床头柜,书桌,椅子,衣柜,台灯,白天光线好一点 都有:D
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