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      南邊 10站 MY YEN CHINESE RESTARUNAT... Apply Now!!!

      yamask 发表于 25-8-2011 23:47:05 转发到朋友圈 删帖
      1053 4


      We are looking for a dish washer and waiter. (Prefer male, experienced and own transport)
      We open 6 days a week (Tuesday close)  5:00PM ~ 10:00PM
      You will get pay even when training!!!

      Start at least $11 per hour ( including 2 meals )

      (Waiter requiring standard English spoken.)

      Contact number: 0450440437 ( Tim )

      BBS提醒: 请避免提前支付订金、押金等任何费用,请与对方当面沟通,确认资质并看清条款。谨防上当受骗。

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      收藏收藏 顶 踩

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      sandyppp 发表于 26-8-2011 02:32:45
      hi I can do Monday and Tuesday after 5:00 pm and my English is quite good for i have lived in homestay for one year and I am working in another local shop on Saturday currently , if u need me , u can contact : 0430770916 :) ps: I have working experience in kitchen hand in a Chinese restaurant and local shop , but I really prefer a waiter job
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      kwokchoi 发表于 26-8-2011 12:07:16
      I got experience of working in restaurant~
      just give me a call
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      Gemini.L 发表于 26-8-2011 13:06:06
      lz is Tim?
      I called but no answer. So I sent SMS instead, pls check.
      I'm highly interested in this position.  thx
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      princeYi 发表于 27-8-2011 20:17:14
      Hi, I'm Alan. Are you still looking for people? I'm studying in Adelaide uni, and my English is qualified. I think I can do this job. I may not do that on Wednesday, but I can do it for any other days. And, could you please tell me the address, and my phone number is 0450395532.

      BTW, that's chinese restaurant, but is the boss a chinese as well?
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