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    [母婴] 150刀 (可议价)9.9 成新 Philips 单边电动吸奶器 + Bonus Gift

    Honeybee2023 发表于 9-4-2023 08:29:49 转发到朋友圈 删帖
    1518 0


    吸奶器于去年年底购入。宝宝的出生日期是十月七日。 打开来清洗过一次。插过电源一次,测试是否能正常运行。可能是因为是二胎宝宝,吸吮很好,下奶的过程很顺利,最终没能需要用到这台吸奶器。 所以这台吸奶器还放在原装的盒子里被闲置了。The pump was purchased late last year. I only washed it once and tested it (in the air) to confirm the motor works. However, my baby is feeding very well. I never need to express my breastmilk. Everything is still packed nice and tidy in its original box.

    有需要的亲可以留言或短信联系我 Jenny 0401656486
    赠品是 2 盒 RITE AID Hydrogel Breast Discs exp 10/2024 - 市价17.98 刀 Rite Aid Hydrogel Breast Discs 12pk | riteaidaustralia
    The Philips Avent electric breast pump has been designed in a way that ensures maximum comfort and minimum inconvenience during usage. The electric breast pump has a perfect balance of suction & nipple simulation that has been motivated by the natural way babies drink. The Philips Avent electric breast pump has been designed to adapt to your nipple size & shape and keeps milk flow at an optimum.

    Features of Avent Electric breast pump

    Natural motion technology for a quicker milk flow
    One size soft and adaptive silicone cushion; Express without leaning forward
    Personalised experience, 8 16 setting levels
    Quiet motor for a discreet experience anywhere (corded use only)
    Memory function; Pause/Play function

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