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      诙谐老 发表于 6-12-2012 20:04:46 转发到朋友圈 删帖
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      外面的风 发表于 23-12-2012 15:26:10
      诙谐老 发表于 2012-12-23 15:55

      客气了 加油
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       楼主| 诙谐老 发表于 23-12-2012 15:25:04
      外面的风 发表于 2012-12-23 15:50

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      外面的风 发表于 23-12-2012 15:19:58
      Meat food safety accreditation

      Licence name

      Meat Food Safety Scheme accreditation


      Annual fee comprises:
      •administration fee - $192
      •activity-based points system - $98.50 per point.

      Contact the meat hygiene unit in the Department of Primary Industries and Regions SA (PIRSA) on 8207 7964 for details.


      Ongoing with payment of annual fee.


      Any operation in South Australia involved in the processing of meat is required to be accredited under the Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) (Meat Industry) Regulations 2006 .

      Accredited operators must comply with a set of conditions that also includes relevant Australian standards.

      Retail businesses that receive and sell prepacked meat and where no other processing takes place do not need to become accredited. These businesses remain under the Food Act 2001,  which is administered by the Department of Health and Local Government.

      Are you a food business or a primary food producer?

      Under the Food Act 2001  businesses selling food are defined as a food business or as a primary food producer. A primary food producer does not have to comply with certain parts of the Act.

      Find out whether you are a food business or a primary food producer  on the SA Health website.

      Food safety program

      PIRSA's food safety program aims to lower the incidence of foodborne illness in the primary industry sectors. This helps to raise consumer and industry confidence and creates market access opportunities for the State's primary industries.

      The food safety program ensures meat production and processing businesses comply with the requirements of the Regulations.

      Apply for accreditation

      Apply for accreditation under the the Meat Food Safety Scheme  by using the form on the PIRSA website.

      Alternatively, contact PIRSA's meat hygiene unit on 8207 7964.
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      外面的风 发表于 23-12-2012 15:20:17
      Food business notification

      Licence name
      Food business notification

      No fee.

      Specific to the activity notified.

      All businesses and activities involved with selling food are required to notify their local council.

      Under the Food Act 2001  a food business means a business, enterprise or activity - other than a primary food production business - that involves:
      •the handling of food intended for sale
      •the sale of food.

      This is regardless of whether the business, enterprise or activity is of a commercial, charitable or community nature or whether it involves the handling or sale of food on one occasion only.

      Mobile food businesses should notify the council in which the vehicle is normally garaged.

      You need only complete the notification process once unless your details change.

      Find out if your business is a primary food producer  under the Food Act 2001 using the website of the SA Department of Health.

      Notify the local council

      Notify the local council of your food business or activity online .

      Alternatively, contact the environmental health officer at the local council  for a notification form.
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      外面的风 发表于 23-12-2012 15:20:34
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