nim 发表于 2013-12-7 00:50 没关系,东西扔了又可惜,就便宜点卖了,或者送人就好了,呵呵 |
楼主您好 谢谢您的回信,我这两天因故未上网,所以回信迟了,抱歉! 我让朋友帮忙取货的计划晚了一步。我所说的朋友是我小孩的球友,但我给你发完信才意识到本周是最后一周球训,下次球训要等到明年一月底,所以这个计划暂时不行了。 另外你说周日进城,但这个时间我不方便。 你的东西很好,我记在脑子里,我有时去北区,会提前跟您联系。如果我没记错,您以前是在gepps cross,因我问过您地址,当时想买您的东西,但嫌远,未去。后来我有机会去那个方向,但以为东西已卖,没敢打电话给您添麻烦。所以我现在就是等去您哪个方向的机会了。如果别人买走也没关系,只要物尽其用就好。 楼主很热心,也很客气,再次感谢,后会有期! |
nim 发表于 2013-12-5 13:34 I will go to city this Sunday. I can take them with me and give to you. |
Effiehxy 发表于 2013-12-3 19:38 你有什么想买的,我这周日早上会去city,可以顺路捎上 |
nim 发表于 2013-12-5 13:34 sanctuary drive. Or I can take them to your friend's place. |
it is too far otherwise I can go to your place as there are things I really want to buy. is it possible to tell us which street you live in ( you do not have to tell your number) as I have a friend who lives in that area and I can ask if he is happy to pick up for me? thanks |
lander_20 发表于 2013-12-3 19:35 对呀,要是离city近些,那可能都被女生抢完了 |
的确是,特别是价值那么低的东西,也不值得送和拿,呵呵。 |
可惜太远了 |