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  • 来澳半年,现转移阵地,无二手货,卖所有家当,90%的小票都还在,已更新第一次!!!

    查看数: 5760 | 评论数: 35 | 收藏 2
    关灯 | 提示:支持键盘翻页<-左 右->
    发布时间: 10-1-2012 14:50


    本帖最后由 No.77 于 2012-1-16 10:03 编辑 去年5月份来的,现要转移阵地了,家里除了冰箱是二手购得,其他东西均为GOODGUY,HN,HS等自己购买,90%的东西小票都还在。 小到牙膏面巾纸,大到50寸电视,家具,床等 ...


    No.77 发表于 30-1-2012 21:32:58
    回复 delvin_3964 的帖子

    Hi~Check your phone please,thank you{:4_116:}I send you a message
    delvin_3964 发表于 29-1-2012 12:53:43
    hi,are you back,when can i go and have a look at your aquarium?
    delvin_3964 发表于 19-1-2012 20:53:59
    本帖最后由 delvin_3964 于 2012-1-19 21:55 编辑

    That is ok, please contact me when you are back because I am really  interested in your aquarium. Please contact me at 0430096088
    No.77 发表于 19-1-2012 17:08:40
    回复 delvin_3964 的帖子

    Im going to Sydeney to play tomorrow,and come back at about 27,Then ill contract you,is that ok? Because I will drive there,tomorrow morning will go
    delvin_3964 发表于 19-1-2012 15:02:41
    Can you please provide me with your address or contact number so that I can go and have a look? Thanks.
    delvin_3964 发表于 17-1-2012 23:24:18
    Can I please have the model number? I can't find this product with a 60L tank. Is it 50L?
    No.77 发表于 17-1-2012 18:17:44
    回复 delvin_3964 的帖子

    60L的   brand is "blue planet",
    包括氧气棒,加热棒(全新还没用过),过滤器,2瓶水过滤净化的药水还是什么东西来着,6条金鱼,鱼食X2,够吃2年了,小捞鱼网,换水的那个吸管, 定时器(自动控制电源的,定时开了换氧气),还有小桌子,一共$150
    delvin_3964 发表于 17-1-2012 12:49:35
    I am interested in the aquarium, can you please let me know how big is the aquarium and what brand is it? What accessories is included?
    lietian 发表于 15-1-2012 12:05:47
    建议楼主家具都打包回家吧 这个价格 跟新的一样了

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