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  • trout fishing, anyone?

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    发布时间: 11-11-2011 11:19


    There are always fishing at sea or carping in Murray River but no one ever said anything about trouts on the hills.Has anyone got experience on trout fishing or wanna give it a go this summer?


    a_z 发表于 8-12-2011 21:31:16
    a_z 发表于 5-12-2011 14:42:52
    a_z 发表于 5-12-2011 14:36:30
    jinxu_0 发表于 24-11-2011 15:13:55
    rainbow trout, 应该是没有吧。大部分淡水都是保护区不让进去的。
    mem 发表于 23-11-2011 23:08:44
    judytsai 发表于 2011-11-23 22:18
    回复 mem 的帖子

    u mean silmon trout?  i caught heaps every year in summer, sometimes 3 fish on one  ...

    nah, i meant the rainbow/brown trouts in the cold fresh water streams.
    which jetty or spots do you catch salmon trouts?
    aliens 发表于 25-11-2011 14:03:14
    check out the video on youtube...on hills trout are small
    judytsai 发表于 23-11-2011 22:48:31
    回复 mem 的帖子

    u mean silmon trout?  i caught heaps every year in summer, sometimes 3 fish on one cast, i put like 5 hooks hohohoho..dey all pretty big and nice to eat. every fun and easy fight too. U wont lose it once u get it
    judytsai 发表于 24-11-2011 01:09:02
    回复 mem 的帖子

    awesome!!!! relli wana eat dem xD hope can find some here..

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