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fancao 发表于 6-3-2011 02:23:39
本帖最后由 fancao 于 2011-3-17 12:06 编辑
12个月的合同!差额现金一次付清!可以自选新号码,也可以用你自己现在的号码!) $49 Vodafone Cap gives you $500 each month to spend on Cap Inclusions, plus:
Unlimited Vodafone to Vodafone & 3 standard national voice calls within Australia all day, every day
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Cap Inclusion | Calling | National rates | International rates | SMS | 28c each (up to 160 characters) | 28c each (up to 160 characters) | MMS (Video) | 75c each | 75c each | MMS (text, pic, audio) | 50c each | 75c each | Voice calls | 90c per minute + 35c flagfall | See International Call Rates | Video calls | $1.35 per minute + 35c flagfall | 1.5 x international call rate + 35c flagfall | Other calling | Rates | 13, 15 & 1800 numbers | 13 & 18 numbers: standard call rates apply
15 numbers: dependant on service you are calling | Customer Care (1555) | FREE OF CHARGE | Voicemail retrieval | 90c per minute + 35c flagfall | Re-routed calls | $1.20 per minute + 35c flagfall | Directory Assist (1233) | $2.60 a call (+ standard call rates if you're THRU-connected) | Other services | I can enjoy | National Roaming | See National Roaming Rates | Voicemail deposit | FREE OF CHARGE | Vodafone live! browsing | Free, only pay for what you download |
Services not included in Cap
Premium TXT: Rates dependant on service
Voda live! STK and Content Downloads: as per standard rates
International roaming: See International Roaming information
Mobile Internet Data Inclusions per month (on Vodafone): 1.5GB with minimum session of 12KB
Additional Data charge per MB (on Vodafone): 50c per MB with minimum session of 12KB |
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