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      [其他求助信息] 不是药剂师怎么开药店?

      Babyvonne 发表于 5-5-2014 19:19:23
      you need a pharmacist's license to open a pharmacy. The owner of the pharmacy has to be a pharmacist.
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      Babyvonne 发表于 7-5-2014 19:15:42
      I am a pharmacist but i don't own a pharmacy. I am only an employee. All the owners and the business partners of a pharmacy have to have a pharmacist's license, which means an ordinary person can't just own a pharmacy and employ a pharmacist to work for them. You may employ a pharmacist and buy a pharmacy under that pharmacist's license (financially support the pharmacy) but your name will not appear on the business contract if that make sense.
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      Babyvonne 发表于 9-5-2014 19:39:04
      jsjjms 发表于 2014-5-9 15:48


      You are most welcome!
      It actually depends on what sort of 药店 you want to open. If it doesn't relate to prescriptions, you don't need a pharmacist's license. However, depending on what you want, it could be categorised under normal supplement shop where a nutritionist might be needed OR chinese medicine shop (a herbalist might be needed) OR natural health shop. I am not quite sure if they just need a business license or if there's any particular license that is required though.
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      Babyvonne 发表于 10-5-2014 18:51:41
      No worries. Australia has got very strict rules when it comes to healthcare. All the best, my friend!
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