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      mem 发表于 10-7-2013 08:41:20 转发到朋友圈 删帖
      696 5


      John Goglia  撰文

        飞机失事后乘客疏散时,分秒差别可能就是阴阳两隔。让人大跌眼镜的是,大量照片显示韩亚航空公司214航班在旧金山国际机场失事后,乘客疏散时却带着个人行李,甚至包括必须放在头顶行李舱内的踏板车。至少有一名男乘客在接受《纽约时报》(New York Times)采访时,表示他先抓的是行李,然后才是他的孩子。按照这个顺序,我只能说很庆幸火势蔓延的速度并不快。




        译 侯婕   校 陈岳林

        San Francisco 777 Crash: Why Did So Many Passengers Evacuate With Bags?

      When seconds can mean the difference between life and death in escaping an aircraft accident, it was startling to see so many photographs from the crash of Asiana Flight 214 at San Francisco International Airport of people carrying out bags, including roller boards that must have come out of the overhead luggage bins. At least one man interviewed in the New York Times indicated that he grabbed his bags and then his child. In that order. All I can say is that it was very fortunate that the fire was slow to spread.

      While aircraft manufacturers like Boeing have done much in the last couple of decades to improve survivability in aircraft accidents by including materials that are fire-retardant, the fact remains that accidents such as this one often result in ruptured fuel lines or fuel tanks.  Once aviation fuel spills, the chances are great that it will come in contact with a hot surface like an engine and ignite.  Or the fuel could ignite for other reasons, including sparks caused by the fuselage skidding along the tarmac.

      Once the fuel ignites it spreads very quickly.  Even the skin of an aircraft will burn through under the right conditions spreading the fire inside the aircraft very quickly.  And no matter how much work has been done in the area of fire-retarding materials, the interior of an aircraft is not fire-proof.  In addition to the fire itself, of course, is the danger from the toxic fumes created by the burning of plastic materials, carpets, as well as passenger belongings.

      Of all the aircraft accidents I have investigated or am familiar with, this is the first where it appears significant numbers of people took their belongings with them in escaping.  What impact this had on other passengers and the extent of their injuries will need to be determined by the NTSB.  At a minimum, it seems clear to me that a public awareness campaign needs to be launched to ensure that passengers do not impede the evacuation of an aircraft in an emergency.  Certainly now that airlines and the FAA are clearly on notice that survivable accidents could be imperiled by passengers wasting time collecting their bags, they need to take action to address this issue before anyone needlessly dies in a survivable accident.

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       楼主| mem 发表于 10-7-2013 08:43:47
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      susan2011 发表于 10-7-2013 08:49:27 来自手机
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      观阴大师 发表于 10-7-2013 09:39:32


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      honeyman888 发表于 10-7-2013 10:02:43 来自手机
      我也感慨一下'哎' 美国的专家也可以把黑的说成白的' 黑的更黑' 可见哪个国家的砖家都不可信啊
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      六合江山 发表于 10-7-2013 17:52:35
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