本帖最后由 BlackW 于 2011-7-25 20:34 编辑
1. MARK1008 Buyer and Consumer Behavior
East, R, Wright, M &Vanhuele, M 2008, Consumer Behavior: Application in marketing, Sage, London.
2. BUSS3023 Strategic Management Hubbard, G,Rice, J & Beamish P 2008, Strategic Management: Thinking, Analysis andAction, 3rd edn, Pearson Education, Australia. $75
3. BUSS 2036 Training and development Noe, R.A. 2010, Employee training anddevelopment, 5th edn, Mc Graw Hill Education, NSW $70
4. BUSS2048 Performance and Compensation Management Shields, J 2007, Managing employee performance and reward: concepts, practices,strategies, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge $60
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