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    [出售中] Norwood, 东主移迁去其他州故需要转手繁忙餐馆

    Newbbie17 发表于 10-11-2017 15:52:15
    9567 0


    由于东主需要移迁墨尔本,现忍痛割让一家非常有特色,具发展潜力的餐馆,现做是西式中式甜品加周末早午餐,两夫妇经营,请几个学生搞掂,店租合理,店装修完美,不用再额外花钱。基本上买来可以马上经营。店位置就离Parade 几步。 有很多学生,及周围熟客光顾。适合学生,夫妻,家庭自主经营。房租便宜,位置好。如果你想进驻Norwood ,这是个好机会。该餐馆还配有酒排,舒适的室内用餐环境,还有非常通风设计很独特的out door dining .外面就是停车场,不用担心停车问题。

    A great opportunity for anyone who is in food business or plan to go into food business , there is a prime location in Norwood looking for a new owner to open their dream restaurant or cafe. Due to current owner need to relocate to another state, he has to let go of this good business. Very reasonable rent , with a lot of regulars from local areas.( families and students). The renovation in the cafe is very good, kitchen equipments are all in great condition . You can instantly start your dream business once you purchased it. Fully licensed, with great front and out door dining. Back area is fully enclosed or fully open alfresco area.

    This business is very suitable for students ,couples , families who wish to open their own unique restaurant and set their feet in the most prestigious area in Adelaide. ...Norwood.

    Contact 联络人: Maggie. 0425255882 for more details.
          ( 非诚勿扰)

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