LZ啊,我开个corolla能加入你们不,过1w了哇....不过我喜欢没事瞎跑跑的....我可以给你们拍照的!!作者: 坏坏的耶稣 时间: 24-3-2010 09:26
haha . adelaide will have an old car competition... gooooooooood作者: Au.Leo 时间: 24-3-2010 11:58
总算明白你问题的意思了。。。 我是指在1986年左右澳洲本土也生产过和日本的AE86Levin一模一样的车种,外貌都是一样的,但ADM的是前驱,JDM的是后驱。这也是为什么很多车主在卖他们的86时要加上一句: "This is a JDM AE86, a import car". 否则很多的当地86其实都是前驱改后驱的,性能比不过日本进口的86。作者: NelsonLSY 时间: 27-3-2010 20:58
同樣是86.....ADM跟JDM竟然可以有這麼大的區別.....作者: gengen0804 时间: 27-3-2010 22:14
。。。。。。 晕,被你们搞晕了,ADM 86原厂也是后驱的啊~~~!作者: gengen0804 时间: 27-3-2010 22:16 回复 55#gengen0804
我记得没错的话,澳版86全是化油器的,没有电喷的。区别 外观有区别,其他的减震,转向机好像都差不多。我记得没错的话。作者: NelsonLSY 时间: 27-3-2010 22:27
我就是在想。。。。前驅凡LEVIN我就想到AE92。。。但如果AE86也是前驅的話。。。。ADM跟JDM的區別也太過大了。。。作者: chwkevin 时间: 27-3-2010 22:45
I'm not sure if ADM AE86 is FF or not, but if people mention JDM import, mostly is because japanese always keep the best spec in japan, other country made japanese cars are kinda lower class than the JDM one.
And I don't think Aussie Toyota would change the drive style of a same model car. At least I haven't seen any stock FF Silvia, Skyline, Supra etc作者: 2JZ 时间: 28-3-2010 01:09
I willing to be corrected if I am wrong here, but there is no difference between a JDM and ADM box. Some people say that the JDM box is stronger because it has a larger input shaft bearing, but that is the same as ADM AE86 t50s'. All T50's made post 1983 have the bigger input bearing and a 22 spline output shaft. Earlier (pre 1983) t50's had a 20 spline O/P shaft and smaller input bearing, but these only came on 2T engines, so not really anything to worry about, as I doubt you will find one of these in an 86.
The only difference is in the bell housing, which runs the clutch slave on the drivers side instead of the exhaust side to keep it away from the exhaust.作者: NelsonLSY 时间: 28-3-2010 12:40
那,總算是真相大白了`作者: 2JZ 时间: 28-3-2010 15:00
都是我的错。。。我对不起你们。。。。。。作者: fung9420 时间: 28-3-2010 15:37
90 年starlet gt 跟92 n14 pulsar with GTiR CONVERSION 算嗎???
舊車才可練技術....新車太多電腦幫助....作者: NelsonLSY 时间: 28-3-2010 15:49