第三。中国。中国的基础设施还是差很远。最大的问题不是建公路。而是集成整个交通系统(lots of construct but not integrated)。bus跟mrt,跟train,跟taxi好像是敌人。不会一起合作为大众服务。互相竞争。没有什么bus interchange的做法。很多交通事故(不可以忍受。我的孩子在中国被车撞了,幸好没有死.不过现在不怎么敢回去了。)。这些应该在20,到30年内很难跟得上澳洲,跟不要说新加坡(要几辈子的努力,如果方向对的话,不过我觉得现在中国的方向错了。越走越远。南辕北切)。
2,小孩都很反叛。记得有人跟我说,把孩子送去那边,就准备以后他不是属于你的了。为了吧。一天在墨尔本做公车,一个白人小孩(十几岁吧)坐车不给钱。司机当然叫他下车,说this is not free service。小孩什么都没有说。下车后就弯腰捡石头扔。现在想来挺怕的。
作者: 风之语 时间: 18-3-2015 04:16
这什么作者: seianko 时间: 18-3-2015 05:18
the article is very outdated on several issues. For foreigners, life in singapore is better than singapore citizen themselves. Its a rather complicated; and most important of all, I am fugging lazy to explain. basically in singapore, in terms of human to human relationship in public places, u get what you give. In short, if u are a very nice person, after give it some time, u will be rewarded by the people around you. Singaporeans in general are slow to warm up....
some of the issues for australia is partially correct, but note that australia is making several changes and 20 years from today, they are unable to take care of u as good as what they could do 10 years ago and today. UK is a very good example. Whatever Australia is going thru, UK been thru that during Thatcher's days as PM.