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标题: 请问187雇主担保的雅思是A类还是G类? [打印本页]

作者: yzhcool    时间: 30-10-2014 10:09
标题: 请问187雇主担保的雅思是A类还是G类?
作者: 澳嘉出国    时间: 30-10-2014 13:47

English language requirements
You can show that your English is adequate by providing the following evidence at the time of application:
•        achieving the required International English Language Test Score (IELTS) either for the Temporary Residence Transition stream or the Direct Entry stream you are applying for in a test that has been conducted within three years immediately before lodgement of your application

At time of application lodgement, you must provide evidence with your online application that you:
•        have at least competent English (unless you are exempt from this requirement), which you can demonstrate if you:
o        have a score of at least 6 for each of the four test IELTS components (speaking, reading, listening and writing) in a test that has been conducted within three years immediately before lodgement of your application, or
澳嘉李老师,专业雅思指导,保六,保七服务!  Mobile:0424995566   Email:[email protected]   微信:shmilub940609
作者: 指南针团队    时间: 31-10-2014 00:53
你好,A类或者G类雅思考试都是符合要求的。如果擅长图标类写作,那么A类会容易一点,如果擅长写信,那么建议考G类,因为G类大作文题目是比较容易的,具体请咨询指南针jojo, 电话0430091004, 微信znzjojo,qq 1776287955
作者: 鹏润留学移民    时间: 19-11-2014 01:25

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