Any paid leave, unpaid sick leave or workers compensation will count as service. Parental leave and other unpaid leave granted by the employer will not count as service, but will not break a worker’s continuity of service.
Where an apprentice is re-employed by the same employer within 12 months of the completion of the apprenticeship, the period of apprenticeship with that employer will count as service.作者: 郑玉桂律师 时间: 19-8-2013 17:06
在澳大利亚,要工作十年已上才可有长假的。我不知道你指工作七年便有七个星期的假期的说法。你可以致电Fairwork, 他们会给你一个详细的答案。
澳大利亚国际公证律师作者: 2423915981 时间: 19-8-2013 17:40