我正好想去 showground 那打呢 听说室内 的 不错哦 qq 57970096作者: twjordan 时间: 27-12-2011 20:57
我也要打 带我个作者: alexaxis 时间: 28-12-2011 17:11
偶也要打球作者: 我心翱翔 时间: 2-1-2012 12:41
Sorry I am unable to type Chinese from my computer.But I am Chinese.
I have time to play basketball in the holidays. I have checked and found that Flinders Uni has a basket ball for hire 6pm onward each day. I do not go to QQ very often. If you have organised enough number of people, please text me on 0488 766556. I wish to join you and I can ring Flinders Uni asking for more information about the court hire.作者: lifu 时间: 2-1-2012 12:59
我儿子特喜欢打篮球 可以算他一个 我去过的flinders uni 的室内篮球馆 很不错 我们有球 也可租球 就是需要人组织一下 定个时间作者: 功明天道 时间: 10-1-2012 20:06