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标题: 马来西亚 肉粽 part 2 [打印本页]

作者: pls123    时间: 8-4-2011 08:56
标题: 马来西亚 肉粽 part 2
马来西亚 肉粽 version2, however, still need more inputs from YOU to continuing improve!

  马来西亚 肉粽 ,好味道,有肉, 香菇, 紅豆

  干净又实惠 ,欢迎大家订购

0432 940 415(virgin)或短信 (English only) 或站内短信 (with contact number)

THank you

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作者: pls123    时间: 8-4-2011 08:57
肉粽熟的1.5 刀一个,5个粽子起订, 10个送2个
作者: 多宝鱼    时间: 8-4-2011 09:32
回复 2# pls123
作者: loverain    时间: 8-4-2011 10:08
but no idea how big it is, or the weight?
作者: pls123    时间: 11-4-2011 09:47
本帖最后由 pls123 于 2011-5-18 14:47 编辑

回复 4# loverain

It is about 10cm long and 200g EACH.
作者: 枣枣    时间: 11-4-2011 21:50
作者: 友朋自远方    时间: 11-4-2011 21:54
作者: pls123    时间: 14-4-2011 06:56
回复 友朋自远方 的帖子

pls contact me at 0432940 415
作者: pls123    时间: 14-4-2011 06:58
回复 枣枣 的帖子

many many thanks for the gd comments! we are great to know that we hit the nails. we put some 白胡椒 into it.
作者: pls123    时间: 15-4-2011 15:23
Due to different responces, we now offer 3 types of 粽子
(a)肉的 (b) 甜的(豆沙) and (c) 肉/豆沙的

$1.5 each, 10 free 2

DEliver to city -Weekday morning, extra $1 per order
作者: 马西莫    时间: 15-4-2011 20:00
作者: bananajade    时间: 15-4-2011 21:38


作者: pls123    时间: 16-4-2011 00:50
回复 bananajade 的帖子

Many, many thanks... My mum is very happy that you like the zong zi!
We now offer more options, hope the rest will try and hopefully like it.
作者: xlapcomp    时间: 16-4-2011 02:53
作者: xlapcomp    时间: 16-4-2011 02:55
有想过卖Nyonya 吗?
作者: pls123    时间: 17-4-2011 07:53
Dear all, thanks for the support given so far, it is highly appreciated!

Those zong zi is prepared by my mum. I can’t go home for the past 4 years due to the heavy family commitment (2 young kids, 3 yo and 4.5 months). I am too homesick and I arranged my mum’s visit. However, my mum didn’t speak English. I am very happy to meet my mum but not for her (after some times). My mum felt very boring here and starts to get a bit upset.

As a daughter I felt that I am too selfish, so I come out this activity for my mum. Firstly I only open to friends but the order is limited. I then post the adv at BBS, I offer the buy 10 free 2 package to encourage more orders, hopping that my mum can at least do it once weekly. I buy the ingredients from nearby supermarket; current selling price is enough to cover the cost. This activity has becomes the centre of my mum’s daily life here. I am updating the activities of my adv at BBS daily for my mum. Thanks for those posting the comments. I can see my mum is happier now.

I soon found that the respond is not good for self-pick up, so I start the delivery system. Extra $1 per order is included to deliver to Chinatown. I can’t drive and we can only go by bus. We offer 3 types  of zong zi: (a) pork meat, (b) red bean sweet taste and (b) mix of both.

My mum can start to make the zong zi after receive every 3-4 orders, or order will be close on Thursday and deliver on Friday.

Many thanks again.

作者: bananajade    时间: 17-4-2011 22:04
三天过去了..我买的20个送4个如今只剩下四个了..> <
作者: 下半场    时间: 25-4-2011 16:29
作者: adelaidewater    时间: 27-4-2011 01:35
回复 pls123 的帖子

作者: pls123    时间: 27-4-2011 15:52
回复 下半场 的帖子

YUP, we still selling the rice dumpling, but we only make base on order. Don't want to stoke up, not fresh. Pls give me an sms...thanks
作者: pls123    时间: 27-4-2011 15:52
回复 adelaidewater 的帖子

I am in Klemzig, bus stop 19, pls give me an sms..cheers
作者: pls123    时间: 30-4-2011 16:22
作者: 下半场    时间: 2-5-2011 21:06
作者: 下半场    时间: 3-5-2011 20:37
本帖最后由 下半场 于 2011-5-3 20:39 编辑

分量足,12个粽子装好有一大袋,沉。 买回来当早餐和午餐很不错的。

作者: chanel5878    时间: 3-5-2011 21:18
今天买了35个,沉甸甸的两大包,和朋友和买的. 吃了2个肉的,很好吃.....以后还会光顾....
作者: 下半场    时间: 4-5-2011 22:56
作者: pls123    时间: 7-5-2011 09:42
謝謝大家, 謝謝大家!
好开心! 精神上好愉悦 ! 心灵上好满足!
作者: yaoyaoxuan    时间: 7-5-2011 22:07
哇 要5个先 家住17站klemzig
哈哈 好吃就经常吃啦 是周二能吃到吗??
作者: yoongyoong    时间: 28-7-2011 05:31
回复 pls123 的帖子

作者: yoongyoong    时间: 28-7-2011 05:31
回复 pls123 的帖子

作者: pls123    时间: 4-8-2011 14:39
回复 yoongyoong 的帖子

nope, my mum had gone home. Thank you
作者: charming505    时间: 2-10-2011 20:54
作者: BelairPizzeria    时间: 5-6-2019 19:54
作者: BelairPizzeria    时间: 5-6-2019 19:54

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