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  • 楼主: EllenC
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     楼主| EllenC 发表于 20-8-2012 10:09:22
    antaifire 发表于 2012-8-17 17:24
    hi, sorry, been out of the city for a long while, so didn't check anything on this website.
    Thanks  ...

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     楼主| EllenC 发表于 17-8-2012 21:45:34 来自手机
    antaifire 发表于 2012-8-17 17:24
    hi, sorry, been out of the city for a long while, so didn't check anything on this website.
    Thanks  ...

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    antaifire 发表于 17-8-2012 17:24:24
    hi, sorry, been out of the city for a long while, so didn't check anything on this website.
    Thanks for informing me the vacancy of the rooms for share.
    I might have a friend's son coming over for study from China. I will need to confirm with them.
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    TonyZ 发表于 17-8-2012 09:48:31
    TonyZ 发表于 2012-8-15 09:23
    hi, why can't I see what you have responded to me?
    Can you please remove the "response only be view ...

    i think you will need to go to "My topic" or something similar page, click off "to be viewed only by the poster". then it works.cheers.
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     楼主| EllenC 发表于 16-8-2012 16:01:55
    TonyZ 发表于 2012-8-16 09:23
    hi, still can not view your post. Have you opened it to public to view yet?
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    TonyZ 发表于 16-8-2012 09:23:43
    TonyZ 发表于 2012-8-15 09:23
    hi, why can't I see what you have responded to me?
    Can you please remove the "response only be view ...

    hi, still can not view your post. Have you opened it to public to view yet?
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     楼主| EllenC 发表于 15-8-2012 17:25:20
    TonyZ 发表于 2012-8-15 09:23
    hi, why can't I see what you have responded to me?
    Can you please remove the "response only be view ...

    oh, sorry, I will turn it to be viewed by everyone.
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    TonyZ 发表于 15-8-2012 09:23:30
    hi, why can't I see what you have responded to me?
    Can you please remove the "response only be viewed by LZ" ?
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     楼主| EllenC 发表于 14-8-2012 09:50:42
    TonyZ 发表于 2012-8-13 09:58
    hi, yes, i will have a friend coming from China.
    I'm looking for an accommodation for him now.
    Ho ...

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    TonyZ 发表于 13-8-2012 09:58:34
    hi, yes, i will have a friend coming from China.
    I'm looking for an accommodation for him now.
    How long would you request him to rent at least?
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