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  • 楼主: Gneisenau
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    [求租] 阿大男求一房, 要車位!!!

    carmenmeow 发表于 31-7-2014 20:03:21 来自手机
    Hi!  I have a room available $120 inclusive bills . Fully furnished  15 mins to city nearby shops ally are 5 mins walking distance. Please whatsapp me or email me irene@ gmail.com or 0430599356.   Thanks @gmail
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    若馨 发表于 31-7-2014 20:04:13
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     楼主| Gneisenau 发表于 1-8-2014 23:18:13
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    tranquilct 发表于 2-8-2014 11:55:48
    i can not wechat you !
    after arrival adelaide, give me a call come to my place to have a look, if o.k you live in or stay a short term
    till you find another good place. short term $20/day.
    $135 queen size bedroom available now! another $125 big double bedroom available from 18/aug noon.
    you can live in then change to $125. you have two choices !
    tel: 0423 489 176    taiwaness landlord    no qq
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    lea 发表于 2-8-2014 12:18:14
    rooms for rent near klemzig Obahn interchange, It is very convenient to the UNISA or Adelaide University. Contact No. 0449768555
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    liyaze 发表于 2-8-2014 20:02:34
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    Brighton 发表于 15-1-2016 14:54:47
    car part available
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    Brighton 发表于 2-2-2016 14:28:00
    Hi anyone need any other information ?
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    fanyukang004 发表于 5-2-2016 00:13:04
    Nice room in Frewville , English speaking environment, quiet house for living . $150 per week including all bills. 4 minute walking to bus stops 861, 863 and 864, shopping centre, very close to the City as well. It is available now.

    Please contact phone 0434082948, QQ or WECHAT :3146784576
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